Hi everyone, first post here. I have a few retro systems that I have collected over the years, which I will get around to showing individually down the track.
But here is my current XP setup:
AOPEN HQ08 Full Tower and 300Watt PS
Gigabyte 6VXC7-4X Motherboard and PIII933
256 GB PC133 SDRam
Creative GF2 GTS 32MB AGP
SB Live
Netgear 10/1000
4 port USB Card
AOPEN Slot DVD and Creative 12x10x32 CDRW
Iomega 100 IDE Drive and 1.44 FDD
Diamond View 17" LCD and Altec LAnsig Speakers
I would like to have them all setup, but alas, space doesn't allow it.
I'll add a pic of my other systems which include:
Pentium 200 with Voodoo 2 12MB (I have a second Voodoo card but not sure on how to setup SLI)
Pentium II233 with Voodoo III 16MB AGP
AMD K62400 Super Socket 7 with Voodoo III 16MB AGP
PIII 866
Compaq Pentium 100 All in one
And a broken 486 that I will get around to fixing.
In the cupboard are 2x17 inch and 1x19 inch CRT monitors
Cheers everyone. I am quite a creative fan when it comes to cd drives 😀