Harry Potter wrote on 2024-11-07, 20:46:
I looked at it. It seems to be just for DOS and has to be loaded from config.sys, but it looks good. I have to try it out, but I have to be at my mother's house first, then I have to finish setting it up then get two replacement Zip100 drives. My mother ordered one the last time I was there.
Sounds like you really need a hard drive in the laptop. You mentioned in your first post that you thought it needed a "caddy" that you don't have.
If it's just a physical (non-electronic) carrier, you may be able to Mcgyver something... Does the laptop take some sort of standard drive (IDE or SATA)?
Does it have any sort of normal connector for it? I've managed to get drive in to laptops that wanted a carrier.. usually involving some plastic/wood/cardboard
shims etc. I don't recall if you mentioned the exact make/model... that might help as there's proabably "look inside" pics. available
You also mentioned "Win98" (It's in the thread title)... Win98 can boot to it's version of DOS .. IIRC it supports FAT32 partitions which the various DOS
networking tools (INTERSRV, EAST-NET, NSLAN, mTCP etc. might not be able to deal with... but perhaps you could make a FAT16 partition and share that
when booted to Win98-DOS, that would at least give you a nice big "blob" that you use to move things between the Laptop and Win98
(reboot to DOS to transfer, back to Win to access) - I know that sounds painful, but IIRC early on you indicated that you wouldn't need to network after you
got your files saved/restored but it would be "nice" to have available in the future.
For that matter, if you can't get it to work with Win98 DOS, and you have some sort of bootable media (Floppy, CD/DVD, Flash etc.)
you could probable boot an earlier DOS and it should be able to access a FAT16 HD partition, ignoring the rest.
(For that matter, you might be able to multi-boot between a FAT32 Win98 partition and a FAT16 DOS partition)
Dave ::: https://dunfield.themindfactory.com ::: "Daves Old Computers"->Personal