First post, by stuyyyy3

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Wondering if anyone can help me here.

I have my DOS games working perfect with an Audigy 1 in windows 98. However, when I boot into real DOS none of the games have sound. My autoexec and config are as follows :




SET winbootdir=C:\WINDOWS
SET DOS_SBE=A220 I5 D1 H5 P330
SET BLASTER=A220 I5 D1 H5 P330 T6

I've used Phil's MS DOS easy guide too and it makes no difference.


Last edited by DosFreak on 2024-10-09, 18:27. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 1 of 10, by SScorpio

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You need to run sbinit.

There's a readme in the DOS file zip on Phil's site and covers everything you need to do.

Reply 2 of 10, by stuyyyy3

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I see under his SB live cards working in DOS page this readme

These are pure DOS drivers for the Creative Sound Blaster Live! cards. They should work with most Live! cards, but I've tested t […]
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These are pure DOS drivers for the Creative Sound Blaster Live! cards.
They should work with most Live! cards, but I've tested them with SB0060, SB0100, CT4780 and CT4830.

They will work with a pure MS-DOS 6.22, 7.0 or 7.1 installation.

They will also work in MS-DOS mode of Windows 9x.

Run LIVESET.BAT once. This will make the card independent of Windows and programm its resources.
You can change the resources, by editing CTSYN.INI.

Run LIVEINIT.BAT after every boot to initialise the card. Just call it from AUTOEXEC.BAT if you like.

Run SBEMIXER.EXE to set the mixer levels.

I've also replaced the default 2MB SoundFont with the nicer 8MB once.
This will delay the driver initialisation a bit, so it can take like 10 seconds or so.

They should work with most, but I've tested them with SB0060, SB0100, CT4780 and CT4830.

I hope they work out for you!

Is this it? Doesn't seem to mention SBinit? This is for an Audigy

Reply 3 of 10, by stuyyyy3

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I've followed the steps but still can't get it working

When i run liveset.bat it comes back with

SBPORT : 0220 IRQ : 07 LoDMA : 01 HiDMA : 05

however my autoexec bat has these
SET DOS_SBE=A220 I5 D1 H5 P330
SET BLASTER=A220 I5 D1 H5 P330 T6

It doesn't look like they're matched. Could that be causing the issue?

Reply 4 of 10, by stuyyyy3

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I've gone through the setup of a few different games

I select 220 port, IRQ5 (also tried 7), DMA 1

But none work

When I run liveinit.bat it says the emulation drive is loaded.. So you'd think it would work I guess

Reply 5 of 10, by firage

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Probably not the primary issue you're having, but yes the environment variables should match. Apparently you edit CTSYN.INI to pick what you want the driver to use. Also I guess you edit the "SBESET.EXE -A220 -I7 -D1 -H5 -P330 -J200 -j1 -d0 -w0 -c" line within LIVESET.BAT.

I would just rather try to use the DOS drivers on the Audigy driver CD.

My big-red-switch 486

Reply 6 of 10, by stuyyyy3

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I actually installed the DOS drivers first from phils lab (from Audigy CD) and it worked great for making it work in windows 98 dos. But no luck in native DOS.

Reply 7 of 10, by Kalle

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Have you tried adding SBEINIT.COM to your autoexec.bat?

I have an Audigy 1 (Model SB0090) and as far as the autoexec.bat is concerned, only 3 lines are necessary to make it work, namely SET BLASTER, SET CTSYN and SBEINIT.COM.
Works fine in MS-DOS 6.22. Haven't tested it in Windows 98's DOS, but it should work there as well.

Reply 8 of 10, by stuyyyy3

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Kalle wrote on 2024-10-09, 17:25:

Have you tried adding SBEINIT.COM to your autoexec.bat?

I have an Audigy 1 (Model SB0090) and as far as the autoexec.bat is concerned, only 3 lines are necessary to make it work, namely SET BLASTER, SET CTSYN and SBEINIT.COM.
Works fine in MS-DOS 6.22. Haven't tested it in Windows 98's DOS, but it should work there as well.

Can you share your autoexec bat with me plz?

Reply 9 of 10, by Kalle

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Can you share your autoexec bat with me plz?

Sure. These are the lines in my autoexec.bat that were added for the SB16 emulation of the Audigy:

SET BLASTER=A220 I5 D1 H5 P330

C:\SB16EMU is the folder where (among other files) CTSYN.INI resides. I created it as I copied the whole folder to my MS-DOS 6.22 installation. Since you're using Win98's own DOS, this shouldn't be necessary, just have that ctsyn variable point at the folder which contains ctsyn.ini.

Reply 10 of 10, by firage

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Are you not loading EMM386? It could be a prerequisite under DOS.

I’ve had an Audigy 1 in some interesting DOS configurations, but don’t recall much about the emulation driver setup.

My big-red-switch 486