First post, by Aui
Hi everyone,
got a quick question regarding this Everex EV-673 VGA card. … a-00271-00#docs
it is basically working - unless it is not. Im using it with a 17" VGA TFT (Eizo Flexscan S1701, also tried 15" Samtron). It boots up DOS fine and also plays a number of VGA games fine (Prince 1, EOB - in VGA mode, but not in EGA mode, Dune2 and others).
However, there is quite a number of (mainly older ) titles, where I get a display error from the monitor. It shows some message like "video input error and also shows some flashing "fH 15.6kHz" frequencies... not sure what they mean.
Not working are for example the original SimCity, Space quest 3, Lemmings (neither in EGA nor VGA setting) and others. There are jumpers and switches to set at the Card - currently set like this:
ANy ideas what the problem is here? Would this be fixed with an CRT? Or does it has something to do with the cable?
Thanks for suggestion and ideas