By the way there were a couple of posts on Hackaday about getting a 1x PCIe broken out of a laptop by various means, wifi slot and expresscard. Those don't get you beyond "fastest 32bit PCI card" kind of horsepower, 'coz of bandwidth being same ballpark, but it's interesting to think about. Half of those might work on the slotless ITX boards or those other 100mm boards with mini PCIe or something.
I still haven't figured out if the Thinkpad T400 I've got has a hardware or software problem, acts weird, maybe I should try XP on that, seems like it would be good early to mid XP with the radeon graphics, not quite sure where the uniqueness of XP really ends and you can use Win7 but thinking about what, 2008, and it's prolly good to there unless you want a lot of pixels.
Unicorn herding operations are proceeding, but all the totes of hens teeth and barrels of rocking horse poop give them plenty of hiding spots.