DOSBox Game Launcher (DOSBox Frontend)

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Reply 2000 of 2099, by rcblanke

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Rank Oldbie

Thanks for the feedback, people!

wolf wrote on 2024-08-03, 01:49:

1-I was trying to import the profiles from D-Fend R, it sees them all but they all fail to import.
2-There any way to force fullscreen stretch like it is possible with DosBox-x, get rid of the black sides even with "Aspect Correction" off?

  1. Please follow the 3 steps outlined here
  2. I'm not sure what you're asking for, wolf? Most DOSBox-X features are now available in DBGL, you might find what you're looking for in the 'Rendering' section.
    The attachment rendering.webp is no longer available

Reply 2001 of 2099, by wolf

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rcblanke wrote on 2024-08-03, 14:52:
Thanks for the feedback, people! […]
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Thanks for the feedback, people!

wolf wrote on 2024-08-03, 01:49:

1-I was trying to import the profiles from D-Fend R, it sees them all but they all fail to import.
2-There any way to force fullscreen stretch like it is possible with DosBox-x, get rid of the black sides even with "Aspect Correction" off?

  1. Please follow the 3 steps outlined here
  2. I'm not sure what you're asking for, wolf? Most DOSBox-X features are now available in DBGL, you might find what you're looking for in the 'Rendering' section.
    The attachment rendering.webp is no longer available

DB-X had stretch for full screen eliminating the black side borders. Regular DB doesn't. Was hoping this offered some way so I don't have to use DB-X.

And thank you for the link... I didn't realize it had to be exported from dfend first!

Reply 2002 of 2099, by Monotremata

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wolf wrote on 2024-08-06, 01:18:

DB-X had stretch for full screen eliminating the black side borders. Regular DB doesn't. Was hoping this offered some way so I don't have to use DB-X.

And thank you for the link... I didn't realize it had to be exported from dfend first!

Set aspect ratio to false?

Reply 2003 of 2099, by Neville

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But also change output to anything but surface (the default value).

Reply 2004 of 2099, by wolf

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It is set to false

And I use openglnb

I think its just something that's always been there. If you have windowed say 1920x1080 there is no black sides. only in full screen. Might be a widescreen issue? Not sure.
I just have no clue how DB-X accomplished it. Since its DB at it root I figured maybe there some kind of tweak or something that could accomplish the same thing.

Reply 2005 of 2099, by wolf

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rcblanke wrote on 2024-08-03, 14:52:
Thanks for the feedback, people! […]
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Thanks for the feedback, people!

wolf wrote on 2024-08-03, 01:49:

1-I was trying to import the profiles from D-Fend R, it sees them all but they all fail to import.
2-There any way to force fullscreen stretch like it is possible with DosBox-x, get rid of the black sides even with "Aspect Correction" off?

  1. Please follow the 3 steps outlined here
  2. I'm not sure what you're asking for, wolf? Most DOSBox-X features are now available in DBGL, you might find what you're looking for in the 'Rendering' section.
    The attachment rendering.webp is no longer available

So I see that option for "Auto Fit" however, my profile edit doesn't look like that. Version difference? However, I do see it under "experimental" tab and all those options are grayed out. How do I activate it so I can try Auto Fit?

The attachment Screenshot 2024-08-07 074038.png is no longer available

Reply 2006 of 2099, by wolf

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wolf wrote on 2024-08-07, 11:41:
rcblanke wrote on 2024-08-03, 14:52:
Thanks for the feedback, people! […]
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Thanks for the feedback, people!

wolf wrote on 2024-08-03, 01:49:

1-I was trying to import the profiles from D-Fend R, it sees them all but they all fail to import.
2-There any way to force fullscreen stretch like it is possible with DosBox-x, get rid of the black sides even with "Aspect Correction" off?

  1. Please follow the 3 steps outlined here
  2. I'm not sure what you're asking for, wolf? Most DOSBox-X features are now available in DBGL, you might find what you're looking for in the 'Rendering' section.
    The attachment rendering.webp is no longer available

So I see that option for "Auto Fit" & "Fullscreen Borderless" however, my profile edit doesn't look like that. Version difference? However, I do see it under "experimental" tab and all those options are grayed out. How do I activate it so I can try them?

The attachment Screenshot 2024-08-07 074038.png is no longer available

Reply 2007 of 2099, by Neville

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Neville wrote on 2024-08-03, 07:31:

I should also mention that I made a fresh dbgl099alpha6 installation to investigate my DOSBox-X woes and everything seems to work fine so far.

I think I should elaborate on this... it seems that my keyboard errors were caused by editing game profiles and changing from regular DOSBox to DOSBox-X. Reusing the old options resulted in the keyboard issues, but everything was solved when I chose to reload DOSBox-X default values. Can anyone reproduce this? It may be an issue just in my Spanish keyboard.

Reply 2008 of 2099, by Neville

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There's a new DOSBoxStaging version around the corner, and unfortunately some options have changed. I'm linking to the relase notes:

https://www.dosbox-staging.org/releases/relea … otes/0.82.0-rc/

In short:

- openglnb output mode is gone.

- ESS Enhanced FM Audio emulation, which adds the options oplmode = esfm (legacy mode) and sbtype = ess (native mode).

- New opl_remove_dc_bias option for the Sound Blaster, removes pops in some games.

- New cms setting in the Sound Blaster section, determines wether to emulate a Creative Music System card or not. oplmode = cms is still valid, but seems it will be gone soon.

- New MODE DOS command.

- Mounting physical CD-ROM devices no longer needs the -usecd option.

- Pentium MMX emulation, using the setting cputype = pentium_mmx

- Some other settings for cputype have been renamed as well: 386_slow has been renamed to 386, 386 has been renamed to 386_fast, 486_slow has been renamed to 486, and pentium_slow has been renamed to pentium.

Plus some more that I may have missed.

Reply 2009 of 2099, by AlfreX

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Could someone pass me a guide or tell me how to configure Windosw 3.1 games (for example larry 7) in DBGL?

Reply 2011 of 2099, by rcblanke

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Rank Oldbie
wolf wrote on 2024-08-07, 11:41:

So I see that option for "Auto Fit" however, my profile edit doesn't look like that. Version difference?

Please use the latest alpha, wolf. The beta's are a continuation of the latest stable DBGL release, while the alpha's have support for the unofficial DOSBox builds.

Neville wrote on 2024-08-08, 12:44:

it seems that my keyboard errors were caused by editing game profiles and changing from regular DOSBox to DOSBox-X. Reusing the old options resulted in the keyboard issues, but everything was solved when I chose to reload DOSBox-X default values. Can anyone reproduce this? It may be an issue just in my Spanish keyboard.

I cannot reproduce the problem Neville, but I think that you should be able to figure out the cause of the issue. Simply compare the contents of a broken .conf before and after reloading the DOSBox-X default values. The differences should explain the cause; maybe something to do with the keyboard or usescancodes setting.

I've prepared another new alpha build, this time adding support for DOSBox SVN 4483 and Staging 0.81.2. I'll add support for 0.82.0 when it is released, thanks for the heads-up Neville.


Reply 2012 of 2099, by Neville

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I'll try to obtain those two different game profiles, see if I can compare them myself or attach them here.

Thanks for the new build, I'll start testing it ASAP.

Reply 2013 of 2099, by Neville

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Rank Oldbie

OK, I managed to reproduce the keyboard bug I've been having with DBGL and DOSBox-X.

I've created a profile with DOSBox v0.74-3 to run Windows 3.11 Spanish edition.

1) Running it with DOSBox v0.74-3 (default options) and I can write on the Notepad as usual.

2) Now I change to DOSBox-X (using the DBGL setting "Apply changes only") and Windows 3.11 loads as usual, but Notepad doesn't recognize my keyboard. Most keys don't do anything, others show different numbers / letters than expected.

3) Now I edit the same profile, still run Windows 3.11 with DOSBox-X, but click on the "Reload options" setting, and everything is fine again.

I'm attaching the three profiles.

Reply 2014 of 2099, by rcblanke

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Rank Oldbie

Hmm, it looks like the culprit is indeed usescancodes=true . By default, DOSBox-X uses usescancodes=auto, so you can probably fix the problematic DOSBox-X profiles by setting usescancodes=auto.

Also, maybe try using 'Switch' instead of 'Set' when altering the associated DOSBox version, Neville. In that case, the usescancodes value will remain unset in the new profile and keep the default value:

The attachment switch.png is no longer available

Reply 2015 of 2099, by Neville

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Rank Oldbie

I'll try to remember this. Do you consider it a bug or plan to fix it in the next versions? Or is it just the way it's supposed to be?

Reply 2016 of 2099, by rcblanke

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Rank Oldbie

This is not a bug.

'Set' will try to keep as many settings as possible when changing to another DOSBox version, so if the current setting has usescancodes=true (which is the default for DOSBox 0.74-3) it will use that setting for DOSBox-X as well. This is the intended behaviour for DBGL. Unfortunately, on your system that usescancodes=true setting seems to lead to keyboard issues, but that's not DBGL's fault.

I personally prefer to use 'Switch' instead. Then, only configuration settings changed from the default value will be kept when changing the DOSBox association. Thus, as usescancodes was not altered, it will not be kept, but the DOSBox version's own default value (auto for DOSBox-X) will be used. In most cases, I expect this is what you'd want.

Reply 2017 of 2099, by Neville

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Rank Oldbie

Alright then. My first impulse was to consider this a bug, but if it is intended behaviour then it's reasonable to keep it as it is.

Reply 2018 of 2099, by wolf

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I started testing running DOSBox-X through DBGL and it seems everything is running great. The only issue is the mapper profiles. Any game that I added controller maps to will not work with the keyboard as it did originally, but the controller is working as mapped. All other games that did not have controller mapped work like normal.
Any ideas how to fix this so the keyboard is working again?
When running through DB 74-3 all is fine again. All keyboard and controller is working.

Reply 2019 of 2099, by wolf

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rcblanke wrote on 2024-09-01, 17:28:
wolf wrote on 2024-08-07, 11:41:

So I see that option for "Auto Fit" however, my profile edit doesn't look like that. Version difference?

Please use the latest alpha, wolf. The beta's are a continuation of the latest stable DBGL release, while the alpha's have support for the unofficial DOSBox builds.

There a tutorial anywhere to upgrade to this version without losing all my work (Profiles, Templates, Mappers, etc.)