Reply 420 of 515, by OpenRift

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Mr_Blastman wrote on 2024-07-11, 18:59:
I can confirm with my old ears there are some differences between the emulator and my real device. […]
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Spikey wrote on 2024-06-15, 04:24:

From what I can tell, MUNT is about 99+% accurate, and the SC-55 emulator is a lower percentage currently.

I can confirm with my old ears there are some differences between the emulator and my real device.

Regardless, this is the greatest DOS emulation news in ages!

Well done, nukeyt!

Really? I haven't heard any differences at all and I have a real SC-55ST that i'd been using for a few years

Reply 421 of 515, by BloodyCactus

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Rank Oldbie

interestingly roland just discontinued updates of sound canvas va... heh

--/\-[ Stu : Bloody Cactus :: [ https://bloodycactus.com :: http://kråketær.com ]-/\--

Reply 423 of 515, by RetroGamer4Ever

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It looks like it's the VST2 vs VST3 issue rearing it's ugly head. I'll pick up a Lifetime Key before it pops off.

Reply 424 of 515, by RetroGamer4Ever

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Well, I bought it and installed it, but it doesn't show up anywhere and I can't find any way to access it. Nevermind, I figured it out. I had to go find the DLL manually and load it in the 64-bit version of FSMP.

Last edited by RetroGamer4Ever on 2024-07-13, 17:13. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 425 of 515, by darry

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Rank l33t++
RetroGamer4Ever wrote on 2024-07-13, 17:05:

Well, I bought it and installed it, but it doesn't show up anywhere and I can't find any way to access it.

I suggest continuing this in the existing SC VA thread or maybe starting a new one.

Reply 427 of 515, by AyGee

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Rank Newbie

A few days ago i finally managed to compile nuked-sc-55 on my M1 Mac. I use v1.21 ROM files and compared it to my real SC-55 v1.20. I can hear no difference. Extremely accurate. I compared with professional pair of headphones (Beyerdynamic DT-1990 Pro). If you level mach the output volume it is almost impossible to distinguish. May the real deal has a tiny bit more bass and a little bit less top end. In other words the emulation is maybe a little bit more clean. But for me there is no reason at all to favour one of the two. Amazing job!

Reply 428 of 515, by darry

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Rank l33t++

It would be really nice if Roland allowed the purchase of licensed Sound Canvas ROM sets, allowing one to obtain and legally use them in an open source emulator. In addition to the murky legal status of even using self-dumped ROMs, actually dumping them seems like a complex endeavor.

Since Sound Canvas VA is being dropped with no replacement in sight, maybe we can have a glimmer of hope that Roland might eventually be open to licensing some of the Sound Canvas ROMs. If there is money to be made, there might be chance. Anybody know someone at Roland ? 😀

Reply 429 of 515, by monsterchief

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Rank Newbie

May I ask how you were able to compile it? I tried to compile a version for my Mac with cmake but I kept getting errors… I just gave up. Any chance you could share your compiled Mac executable?

AyGee wrote on 2024-07-14, 08:57:

A few days ago i finally managed to compile nuked-sc-55 on my M1 Mac. I use v1.21 ROM files and compared it to my real SC-55 v1.20. I can hear no difference. Extremely accurate. I compared with professional pair of headphones (Beyerdynamic DT-1990 Pro). If you level mach the output volume it is almost impossible to distinguish. May the real deal has a tiny bit more bass and a little bit less top end. In other words the emulation is maybe a little bit more clean. But for me there is no reason at all to favour one of the two. Amazing job!

Reply 430 of 515, by paxstatic

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Rank Newbie

For my Linux build of the Nuked-SC55 official version, the only Cmake errors I recall having issues with were the rtmidi modules in the 3rdparty/rtmidi folder. The files RtMidi.cpp and RtMidi.h need to be downloaded from https://github.com/Wohlstand/rtmidi and placed in that folder.

My guess is that this is because rtmidi's license and Nuked-Sc55's MAME license are incompatible.

Reply 431 of 515, by Eivind

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monsterchief wrote on 2024-07-15, 10:41:

May I ask how you were able to compile it? I tried to compile a version for my Mac with cmake but I kept getting errors… I just gave up. Any chance you could share your compiled Mac executable?

Have you looked at this issue over on github? tldr, it's probably easiest to do a "cmake -G Xcode ." to generate an Xcode project, and then compile from there.

Edit: I also recommend using jcmoyer's fork of the project - it has lots of optimiziations and improvements over the original as of right now.

TinyLlama 3
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Reply 432 of 515, by BloodyCactus

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paxstatic wrote on 2024-07-15, 13:49:

For my Linux build of the Nuked-SC55 official version, the only Cmake errors I recall having issues with were the rtmidi modules in the 3rdparty/rtmidi folder. The files RtMidi.cpp and RtMidi.h need to be downloaded from https://github.com/Wohlstand/rtmidi and placed in that folder.

My guess is that this is because rtmidi's license and Nuked-Sc55's MAME license are incompatible.

eh, no, when you pull the git down you just have to tell it to do submodules (git submodule update --init --recursive) and it will pull the 3rdparty down from git as well

I have an alias for git update in ~/.gitconfig called

ug = "!_(){ git reset --hard; git clean -f -d -x; git submodule update --init --recursive; git pull; git submodule update --recursive; }; _"

makes life easy, resets and local changes, pulls all updates from remote + submodules.

then its as easy as running "cmake -H. -GNinja -B./cmake-build"

--/\-[ Stu : Bloody Cactus :: [ https://bloodycactus.com :: http://kråketær.com ]-/\--

Reply 433 of 515, by paxstatic

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Rank Newbie
BloodyCactus wrote on 2024-07-15, 14:53:
eh, no, when you pull the git down you just have to tell it to do submodules (git submodule update --init --recursive) and it wi […]
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paxstatic wrote on 2024-07-15, 13:49:

For my Linux build of the Nuked-SC55 official version, the only Cmake errors I recall having issues with were the rtmidi modules in the 3rdparty/rtmidi folder. The files RtMidi.cpp and RtMidi.h need to be downloaded from https://github.com/Wohlstand/rtmidi and placed in that folder.

My guess is that this is because rtmidi's license and Nuked-Sc55's MAME license are incompatible.

eh, no, when you pull the git down you just have to tell it to do submodules (git submodule update --init --recursive) and it will pull the 3rdparty down from git as well

I have an alias for git update in ~/.gitconfig called

ug = "!_(){ git reset --hard; git clean -f -d -x; git submodule update --init --recursive; git pull; git submodule update --recursive; }; _"

makes life easy, resets and local changes, pulls all updates from remote + submodules.

then its as easy as running "cmake -H. -GNinja -B./cmake-build"

Thanks. That's good to know. Building from source is still new for me.

Reply 434 of 515, by DracoNihil

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Rank Oldbie
BloodyCactus wrote on 2024-07-15, 14:53:

eh, no, when you pull the git down you just have to tell it to do submodules (git submodule update --init --recursive) and it will pull the 3rdparty down from git as well

Doing $ git clone --recursive instead of just $ git clone will also initiate all submodules in a GitHub repo.

“I am the dragon without a name…”
― Κυνικός Δράκων

Reply 435 of 515, by zaphod77

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It does seem that it's the not being allowed to make both vst2 and vst3 issue here.

I hope that roland either finds some workaround, or is willing to work with people to get a better midi driver option to people.

Reply 436 of 515, by RevAngel

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Rank Newbie

Wow, this sounds very promising. Great work @nukeykt !!!

Reply 437 of 515, by RetroGamer4Ever

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Rank Oldbie
darry wrote on 2024-07-15, 01:19:

It would be really nice if Roland allowed the purchase of licensed Sound Canvas ROM sets, allowing one to obtain and legally use them in an open source emulator. In addition to the murky legal status of even using self-dumped ROMs, actually dumping them seems like a complex endeavor.

Since Sound Canvas VA is being dropped with no replacement in sight, maybe we can have a glimmer of hope that Roland might eventually be open to licensing some of the Sound Canvas ROMs. If there is money to be made, there might be chance. Anybody know someone at Roland ? 😀

The best that you could possibly get out of them is a new Virtual Sound Canvas app for Windows 11, which will have the Windows MIDI 2.0 stack and the capability to have stand-alone soft-synths without VST. The devs aren't doing anything with DirectMusic and the Microsoft Wavetable Synth, but Microsoft will continue to have the license to the Roland GS soundset, so they can certainly do something with the licensed DLS file, though there doesn't seem to be any discussions into that at this time.

Reply 438 of 515, by zaphod77

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Rank Member

That is a low quality sc55mkII (mostly) sampleset. and not suitable for use in an actual SC emulation.

Reply 439 of 515, by DracoNihil

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Rank Oldbie
zaphod77 wrote on 2024-07-28, 03:54:

That is a low quality sc55mkII (mostly) sampleset. and not suitable for use in an actual SC emulation.

What I don't understand about the infamous "GM.DLS" is that, after hearing a real SC-55 and this emulator and then looking at the ROMs you have to use... how is it that "GM.DLS" is the filesize that it is yet it seemingly doesn't have all of the PCM samples?

The combined size of both "waveroms" is 3 MB and "GM.DLS" is 3.3 MB so I don't understand how most of the instruments in that DLS don't have all of their PCM samples present, or is there something else going on in the SC-55's PCM chip that is producing the sounds I don't hear "Microsoft Synthesizer" doing.

For context: I'm talking about the "String Ensemble" program. Especially when played at the lower (below "Middle C") octaves.

“I am the dragon without a name…”
― Κυνικός Δράκων