First post, by Alexraptor
Hi! This site came up a lot while i was researching setting up a Windows XP gaming rig, so I thought I'd ask for some help.
I recently decided to resurrect my old rig, that i retired in 2021, as a Windows XP-32bit gaming machine. It's a z77 Sabertooth with a Core i7-3770k, which I understand is the "holy grail" of XP gaming systems.
Unfortunately Windows XP setup BSOD's every single time, just after "Setup is Starting Windows". It has error code: 0x0000007B. I've tried setting the SATA controller to IDE mode, without success and tried setting a dozen other compatibility settings to Legacy Only, but nothing seems to work, frankly I'm at a loss. Should also mention I'm installing from an external USB-Disc drive, if that makes any difference.
So a little bit of help getting this project off the ground, would be very much aprpeciated, thanks!