Ups and downs yesterday.
- ASUS P5P800 - works although it likely needs a new BIOS chip as the one it has corrupts itself without me doing anything. Known good RAM was used.
- EPoX EP-8KRAI - works, had to replace socket plastics as one side of the tabs were broken. Came with a Sempron 2600, swapped an XP 2400+.
- ASUS K8N - works, came with a Sempron 2800+. No CPU swap on this one as I don't have any 754 A64s left.
- Club3D Radeon 9600 256MB - works, has some strange heatsink that's twice the size of the card lmao
-2x launch Xbox 360 controllers
- Commate S7SXB - came with a K6-2/550AGR, popped a MOSFET shortly after power on. I didn't test the CPU on any other boards so state of CPU unknown, but mainboard does not beep or POST after FET replacement.
- DFI K6BV3+/66 - same as the previous one I had except this one's ATX functions work. Other than that, no BEEP or POST whatsoever. Tested ceramic Pentium 166, MMX 233, K6-2 500AFX. None beeped or POST'd.
"Enter at your own peril, past the bolted door..."
Main PC: i5 3470, GB B75M-D3H, 16GB RAM, 2x1TB
98SE : P3 650, Soyo SY-6BA+IV, 384MB RAM, 80GB