Reply 880 of 1241, by sofakng
keropi wrote on 2024-04-14, 04:15:PCMIDI ideal settings are IRQ2 and address 330 (you might need to disable ACPI and revert to APM in the MVP3 mobo bios to get back control of IRQ2)
Thanks so much for the help and explanation!
Is there any disadvantage to disabling ACPI? (I think it just enables automatic poweroff when you shutdown Windows?) (sorry if this is a bit off topic from the Orpheus)
EDIT: Disregard. I can disable ACPI in the BIOS but it still doesn't free IRQ 2. I've looked into ModBin to modify the BIOS but it looks like the option to free the IRQ isn't present (and isn't hidden). I'll just have to use IRQ 3 it seems.
Is it OK to use the IRQs assigned to the COM and LPT ports as long as I'm not actively using those ports? (or do I need to disable them in BIOS)