Reply 1340 of 2121, by robertmo3
as for rebel moon rising
briefings are displayed properly so far with correct pictures of targets and scrollable text
i think saving failed to record the targets i have destroyed 8 turrets in first training level but it didn't accepted that.
i started new game without saving and managed to finish 1st level
but there is no key for starting jetpack in rebel moon so i guess at some point some level might be not finishable 😉
or at least that feature will be inaccessible 😉 but maybe it is started automatically and only cannot be turned off/on again
maybe you don't have to turn it off
you fly with jump
turrets are not displayed properly but are visible, but i guess that has to be checked on real card first
and rready has to support rebel moon properly first.
turrets are being properly displayed in -vga mode so i guess it may be a problem of rready