First post, by Azarien

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Rank Oldbie

I'm trying to play Colin McRae Rally 1 with a PS3-like USB gamepad. The problem is, the game doesn't seem to allow customizing the controller axes, it just assumes axis 1 is left/right and axis 2 is accelerate/break. This is not to my liking.
Is there any software or driver for Windows 98 that would allow swapping e.g. axis 1 with axis 3?

Reply 1 of 1, by DudeFace

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Rank Member

for games like this i set the controls to keyboard, then use Xpadder 5.6 to map the controls to game pad, also handy if you're playing dinput games with an xinput controller, there are other similar programs, pretty sure this one works on win98, as i remember using it for max payne 1/2.