Hi Ronald,
Why I have written D-Fend Reloaded
Yes I know, there are some other very good frondends. But with non of them I could do some special things I wanted to: I have built a DOS games CD with some games from Abandonia etc. for some friends of mine. I used D-Fend and some own configuration programs for adding and deinstalling games. After installing D-Fend one can start one of the NSIS game package installers from the CD to add games to the D-Fend list (game files, profile, etc.). And with another external tool games can be deinstalled (complete game not only the profile).
After D-Fend was stopped I decided to write a frondend for DOSBox with this features directly included. Now I can make games installer packages directly from my D-Fend Reloaded games list. 5 friends of mine have got my new DOS games DVD as a christmas present. With D-Fend Reloaded not only the installation process from my DOS games DVD is easy, also the creation process for me is quite easy.
So I have written D-Fend Reloaded mostly for my own private DOS games DVD. But I thought may be some other people are interessted in D-Fend Reloaded so I released it one sourceforge.
As programming language I would have prefered something plattform independed (like Java) but I do not know much about Java. But I am quite good in Delphi. So D-Fend Reloaded is a Delphi program (like D-Fend was).
Connection to original D-Fend
No, I do not have a single line of the D-Fend code. All I have is the DFend.exe. My D-Fend Reloaded is a complete rewrite.
Because D-Fend needed index files and used absolute pathes (and I hated both because it made my extra config programs for my DOS games DVD more complicated) I am not too sad I didn't have the original source of D-Fend.
Complex profile editor
I know that the profile editor is not perfect user friendly. In this first version I just wanted to copy the D-Fend profile editor item by item. For the next version I will think about a better way to arrange the config options.
D-Fend Reloaded 0.1.1 has an assitant for adding games. The menu item "Add with wizard... (F3)" in the profile menu will open this assitant. Because I have only few toolbar icon files I have not created a toolbar button for the assistant. In the next version I will try to find a way to make the assistant easyer to find for beginners without forcing advanced users to use it. (May be configable "Add" toolbar button.)
Untranslated menu items
@Neville: On a quick look I haven't found any untranslated menu items. Can you tell me where you have seend untranslated items ? My be the hotkeys aren't translated ? ("Strg+Enter" instead of "Ctrl+Return" and so on) I am choosing the hotkes via the Delphi data type TShortcut and don't know how TShortcut is translated to a String. I think (hope) that Windows it self is doing this job. Because I have only a german Windows version I don't know how it looks like in an english version. If the hotkeys are wrong labeled in the english version, I will try to fix it some how in the next version.
Spanish translation
@Neville: If you want to make a spanish language file I will be very happy and will thank you very much !
And of cource anybody who contributs something to D-Fend Reloaded will be mentioned the in program info dialog.
Plans for the next version
My main plans for the next version are:
- Better profile editor
- Multi record editor (selecting some profiles and setting all of them to genre "Jump'n'Run" for example)
- Using my 300 games profile list for a kind of "complete auto setup" (copy the new game to a folder and tell only the folder name to D-Fend Reloaded and it will find out by itself which game it is and what settings it needs). But this is only a pre-alpha-idea and I will still have to think a lot about this.
Because I don't know how much time I will have in the next month, I don't know when this features will be ready but the development of D-Fend Reloaded goes on.