First post, by Kerensky18

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I'm having a hard time with a windows 98 machine, I've tried audigy cards, sb live cards and now picked up this card recently and cannot for the life of me get any drivers to work in windows 98 or DOS. In windows 98 it's detected in plug and play (devices) and I can select drivers but get warnings with all of them and no sound output. In DOS when I try to install I just get 'sound card isn't installed'

Any advice would be greatly welcomed.

Reply 1 of 9, by pc-sound-legacy

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This is the Opti MAD 16 Pro. Try this driver, it should work then.


When still having resource conflicts in Windows I suggest going into the BIOS and turn of PnP OS and let the BIOS assign resources automatically. Reserve IRQ5 and 7 to legacy ISA . Try another ISA-Slot as well.

Reply 2 of 9, by chinny22

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Rank l33t++

I have a 82C928 and a least for me unisound driver works better then the official driver which wouldn't allow music AND sound in Doom. You could only have one or the other.
It's a dos only machine so can't help with WIn9x

According to this the 82C929A is slightly different but also pretty bad in windows. Maybe give up trying to get the Opti working in windows and focus on dos?

Reply 4 of 9, by Kerensky18

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Rank Newbie
chinny22 wrote on 2024-01-24, 03:16:
I have a 82C928 and a least for me unisound driver works better then the official driver which wouldn't allow music AND sound in […]
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I have a 82C928 and a least for me unisound driver works better then the official driver which wouldn't allow music AND sound in Doom. You could only have one or the other.
It's a dos only machine so can't help with WIn9x

According to this the 82C929A is slightly different but also pretty bad in windows. Maybe give up trying to get the Opti working in windows and focus on dos?

I've tried to install in DOS but when I run the setup it says soundcard not installed 😖

Reply 5 of 9, by darry

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Rank l33t++

Are you certain that the main chip on the card is an Opti 82C929A ?

Could you please post some photos of the card with chip markings visible ?

Reply 7 of 9, by darry

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Kerensky18 wrote on 2024-02-10, 20:45:
darry wrote on 2024-02-10, 20:20:

Are you certain that the main chip on the card is an Opti 82C929A ?

Could you please post some photos of the card with chip markings visible ?

It's the card here https://www.ebay.com/itm/325884391777

Thank you.
So the software used matches the card. If that is the actual card you have (not just the same model), there are light signs of corrosion visible on the photo and the driver floppy looks like it might have been exposed to humidity. In that case, it might be worth inspecting the card for visually detectable damage or corrosion and cleaning the ISA connector with contact cleaner to make sure that is not the issue .

Reply 8 of 9, by Kerensky18

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Rank Newbie

Yeah the floppy was shot, Ill give the card a good cleaning. Thanks for all the help above.

Reply 9 of 9, by chinny22

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Rank l33t++
Kerensky18 wrote on 2024-02-10, 20:07:
chinny22 wrote on 2024-01-24, 03:16:
I have a 82C928 and a least for me unisound driver works better then the official driver which wouldn't allow music AND sound in […]
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I have a 82C928 and a least for me unisound driver works better then the official driver which wouldn't allow music AND sound in Doom. You could only have one or the other.
It's a dos only machine so can't help with WIn9x

According to this the 82C929A is slightly different but also pretty bad in windows. Maybe give up trying to get the Opti working in windows and focus on dos?

I've tried to install in DOS but when I run the setup it says soundcard not installed 😖

I had that and had to run unisound /nopnp