First post, by Swishkebab

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I had this drive in a computer that I put up for sale because I needed quick money desperately but I forgot to mention I wasn't intending to include the drive.. I ended up including it to keep things hassle free. I've now been trying to find something similar but to no avail... Any ideas on year,make, anything? All I got is the picture

Reply 1 of 8, by Garrett W

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Rank Oldbie

This looks like one of the early units that used caddy trays!

Reply 2 of 8, by pancakepuppy

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Media Vision CDR-H93MV?

The attachment cdr-h93mv.jpg is no longer available

(Image snagged from eBay)

Reply 3 of 8, by Swishkebab

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Rank Newbie
Garrett W wrote on 2024-01-08, 18:54:

This looks like one of the early units that used caddy trays!

I know! The buyer thought it was a tape drive and was stumped when I said it was CD. It's a regular drive though.

pancakepuppy wrote on 2024-01-08, 19:21:

Media Vision CDR-H93MV?
(Image snagged from eBay)

This is it. Thanks! Now the probably years long hunt to find one for a decent price begins!

Mine was IDE, didn't know it existed in SCSI too. Do you know more models that look like this, such as the IDE version? Should have tested if it reads CD-R, I never did. I just assumed it didn't.

Reply 4 of 8, by Jo22

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Rank l33t++

Hah! That's the CD-ROM drive that was bundled with my PAS16! It's an SCSI drive.

Edit: Re: What type of CD drive is this?

"Time, it seems, doesn't flow. For some it's fast, for some it's slow.
In what to one race is no time at all, another race can rise and fall..." - The Minstrel

//My video channel//

Reply 5 of 8, by theelf

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Rank Oldbie
Jo22 wrote on 2024-01-08, 20:45:

Hah! That's the CD-ROM drive that was bundled with my PAS16! It's an SCSI drive.

Edit: Re: What type of CD drive is this?

Yes!! looking for years one to mach my pas16, but is pretty expensive, and always someone paid more than me jeje. it seems on not only one looking for it

Reply 6 of 8, by Swishkebab

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Rank Newbie

Do you guys have any idea if it can read CD-R?

Reply 7 of 8, by Horun

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Rank l33t++

I doubt it will read CD-R unless you can find some NOS 4x or 8x CDR media AND only if the cdrom has maybe the latest firmware. You would have to burn the old CDR at slowest speed of no more than 4x or 8x (leaves out any new CD or CD/DVD burner)
Back then the cdrom lasers used would only work with specific media colors so your new 52x CD-R media today will not work at all.
There were more SCSI cdroms back then IDE. The PAS Studio also came with SCSI interface, not IDE.
added: If it was IDE CDROM then it came with a MV Jazz sound card, not a Pro Studio....

Hate posting a reply and then have to edit it because it made no sense 😁 First computer was an IBM 3270 workstation with CGA monitor. Stuff: https://archive.org/details/@horun

Reply 8 of 8, by darry

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Rank l33t++
pancakepuppy wrote on 2024-01-08, 19:21:

Media Vision CDR-H93MV?
(Image snagged from eBay)

AFAICT, the Mediavision unit is a rebadged drive from Sanyo (OEM) .