What retro activity did you get up to today?

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Reply 24840 of 29373, by Horun

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sunbrightened works but depending on the case it may last only one year or less, depends on how bad the plastics are degraded. Some last 5+ years....

Hate posting a reply and then have to edit it because it made no sense 😁 First computer was an IBM 3270 workstation with CGA monitor. Stuff: https://archive.org/details/@horun

Reply 24841 of 29373, by BitWrangler

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BitWrangler wrote on 2023-08-06, 04:11:

Been screwing around with a crappy socket A board, KM133 MSI OEM maybe was in a Packard Hell. Got to where it starts "picking me lottery numbers" on the POST card, i.e. different error every boot. I wasted an hour and a half digging out my old posts here to see if I mentioned how I cured similar symptom on a CUV4X the other year.... and I guess I didn't, thought that one might have been a scrambled/bad BIOS. It might have to go on the pile of "When I get chips and/or a programmer" for now. Could need caps but they look great, any other MSI I pulled the KZEs on of same age, they checked out fine.

Update... a 3rd different RAM stick tried and I have the POST screen w00t. This was after 2 different CPUs and 2 PSUs 🤣 ... weirdly it was giving "total deadness" vibes when no RAM inserted, then after CPU change was doing the "lottery numbers" picking, but no RAM codes, it should have been giving me RAM codes dammit... unless it didn't support the refresh type on those DRAMs or something super esoteric. Though I noticed I may have missed a clue, because although it was giving me a lot of crap it did report it could not initialise the display adapter 2 or 3 times in there. Now, I was just trying the onboard cyber fleem delta sheen or whatever, and I guess it could not initialise because it couldn't allocate RAM. Not having the penny drop yet, I stuck an AGP card in there and got more randomness.

I thought that RAM I was using at first was good though. Sometimes I wonder if it's sheer force of will that brings boards up, or dotting all the "i"s crossing all the "t"s or some variation of just showing the board you're not a n00b lightweight to be messed around with. Pre-threatening them with the giant soldering iron used to put the fear of .... me .. into them, maybe should start doing that again.

Anyway, that's an extra gotcha to note with onboard graphics boards, if complain about display adapter, think about where or if it's getting it's display buffer.

Though the board has been "kicking around" for years, it's possible it took enough CPU and RAM changes to scrape the oxide off the sockets.

So, back to a bit more fiddling with the dumb thing...

Unicorn herding operations are proceeding, but all the totes of hens teeth and barrels of rocking horse poop give them plenty of hiding spots.

Reply 24842 of 29373, by appiah4

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Laser wrote on 2023-08-06, 11:52:
appiah4 wrote on 2023-08-05, 13:12:

Today is a good day to sunbright my 286..

sunbright for yellowed plastics is a myth /joke spread by some idiots, it does not work

what really works is Hydrogen peroxide , both in cream, or liquid

Ok, you keep doing that then 😀

Reply 24843 of 29373, by Kahenraz

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Laser wrote on 2023-08-06, 21:44:
sunbright alone does not bleach nothing, it does not work, it was a joke done by some youtuber which lot of them spread such cra […]
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Shponglefan wrote on 2023-08-06, 18:37:

Both involve bleaching via solar radiation, so it does work. It's just a question of whether it's a good idea insofar as yellowing returning over time and potentially degrading the plastic.

sunbright alone does not bleach nothing, it does not work, it was a joke done by some youtuber which lot of them spread such crap without testing
this crap end up in an urban myth
fact is if you expose any yellowed plastic to the sun it will end up more yellowed and damaged by the heat if you expose it in a hot summer day

just expose any useless yellowed mouse to the sunbright then you will see

I read that there is a difference in how solar radiation affects plastics that are outside versus those that occur after it is filtered through a glass window. Something about certain wavelengths being blocked, and that it's the remaining wavelengths that pass through that cause the yellowing.

Reply 24844 of 29373, by Daniël Oosterhuis

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Laser wrote on 2023-08-06, 11:52:
appiah4 wrote on 2023-08-05, 13:12:

Today is a good day to sunbright my 286..

sunbright for yellowed plastics is a myth /joke spread by some idiots, it does not work

what really works is Hydrogen peroxide , both in cream, or liquid

Both work, as in temporarily bleaching the yellowed plastics.
Neither actually fix the underlying issue of degrading ABS plastics.

The only "permanent" color fix is painting, and even then, it's unknown what happens to the plastics.
The lack of access to oxygen may stop further brittleness, or maybe the chemicals in the paint exacerbates the brittleness.

In the long run, who cares what people do with their own stuff?
Calling others idiots over this is very, very silly, and you should feel silly.


Reply 24845 of 29373, by shamino

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Several years ago I used Arctic Silver Thermal Epoxy, the stuff that's totally permanent, to attach a Socket-7 heatsink to the northbridge chip of an MSI 875P Neo.
I had big plans for this late P4 motherboard, but then I discovered I didn't like it, and aborted the project.

Anyway, yesterday I grabbed this board off the shelf. To my surprise the heatsink was loose in the bag.

The attachment IMG_20230806_162735493_HDR_shrunk.jpg is no longer available

Huh. I guess it wasn't permanent after all.

I remember playing with the weight I put on it while the epoxy was curing, and I think the heatsink moved a little - but I thought it was solid. The 10 year test says otherwise.
It's an oversized heatsink and I guess it got pushed against.

Haven't tested the board but I think the chipset is undamaged. I just need to pick the epoxy off it now. Might use sandpaper if I have to.
It's a good thing it wasn't adhered strongly enough to rip the chip apart. Somebody had a picture of that happening recently.

Reply 24846 of 29373, by Tiido

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I have been putting my computer station back together finally after the desk upgrades, there's still much work left to do but if I really want I can play around with a 286, 386, 486, NexGen, Pentium and a P2 ~

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The attachment IMG_4586.jpg is no longer available

I had to make a number of exactly in length LAN cables, turned out the ones I already got were all too short. In the end it was for the better, less cable clutter this way. Sound is another challenge that is to be overcome eventually, also involving custom cables and a homemade mixer with ground loop cancellation features ~

There's still way to go until hardware stuff gets done again but that is slowly shaping up too. Storage is still a major hurdle and lot of stuff still has to stay in boxes and only come out very temporarily...

T-04YBSC, a new YMF71x based sound card & Official VOGONS thread about it
Newly made 4MB 60ns 30pin SIMMs ~
mida sa loed ? nagunii aru ei saa 😜

Reply 24847 of 29373, by appiah4

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Rank l33t++

Are they all hooked up to a KVM switch? Will you use a mixer for audio?

Bonus Question: Where do you put your feet 🤣

Last edited by appiah4 on 2023-08-07, 12:51. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 24848 of 29373, by badmojo

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This is good news Tiido! You need a place to work your magic 👍

Life? Don't talk to me about life.

Reply 24849 of 29373, by amigopi

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Rank Newbie
appiah4 wrote on 2023-08-07, 11:57:

Bonus Question: Where do you put your feet 🤣

What, you don't use the smaller cases as footrests..?

Into the eyes of nature, into the arms of God, into the mouth of indifference, into the eyes of nature...

Reply 24850 of 29373, by Tiido

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All goes to a KVM, two even since there's a test computer too that is being set up behind the monitors. It is a PIII mobo where random stuff will be easy to test ~

Mixer is going to be self built out of a dead EQ with 20 sliders in front, for 10x stereo channels without swapping out the sliders for stereo ones.

Feet go under my ass, as they always have, and as mentioned the computers can support them too 🤣

T-04YBSC, a new YMF71x based sound card & Official VOGONS thread about it
Newly made 4MB 60ns 30pin SIMMs ~
mida sa loed ? nagunii aru ei saa 😜

Reply 24851 of 29373, by DerBaum

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Rank Oldbie

Today i tried to bring back this Highscreen Laptop 8100 back to life.
After i removed the leaking battery and took care of the damage i could try to start it.
The first thing it did was smoking... because a tantalum cap exploded with nice purple smoke...
The screen seems to be damaged, and the memory of the graphics card is broken.
It tries to work and even counts all 8MB of SIPP memory fine, but not very well with corrupted graphics.
Even if i can replace the video memory, the broken screen remains. And its just a slow 386...
The case is not very nice too. It was only held together with 5 Screws and the lid of the monitor is a different colour. The eject button of the floppy is missing etc...
The best thing is the super awesome mechanical keyboard wich still feels brilliant.

Im thinking about repairing the graphics card and sell off the internals. Then i want to use the really huge case to build a "modernish" pc inside of it and replace the monitor with something not broken and in colour.

What do you think?

BTW: I dumped the BIOS (2 chips) and VGA BIOS (1 chip). If somebody is interested in these files, please let me know.

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Reply 24852 of 29373, by Robin4

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GigAHerZ wrote on 2023-08-03, 18:08:
First time converted 4x1MB 30pin SIMMs into SIPPs. […]
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First time converted 4x1MB 30pin SIMMs into SIPPs.

I have this beautiful 286 board: https://theretroweb.com/motherboards/s/cdtek-286-turbo
And it requires either chips or SIPPs. It did have 1MB in chips. But now, it is upgraded into 4MB. Crazy amount for 286!

I also have 287 @ 6MHz with it.

There's something weird going on with this board. FDD and everything else works, but it is unable to boot from my 512MB CF card. With floppy boot, i can browse through directories, but if i try to execute any program from "HDD", it's going to fail.
I wonder, if the CF card is somehow incompatible with this board? (Would be first time for this solution)
I tried multiple Super-IO controllers, i tried even XT-IDE - nothing is capable of booting from HDD. 🙁

How do they call this pinheaders?

~ At least it can do black and white~

Reply 24853 of 29373, by DerBaum

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Rank Oldbie
Robin4 wrote on 2023-08-08, 00:52:

How do they call this pinheaders?

I know them as "precision" pin headers...


Reply 24854 of 29373, by BitWrangler

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Rank l33t++
BitWrangler wrote on 2023-08-07, 02:23:
Update... a 3rd different RAM stick tried and I have the POST screen w00t. This was after 2 different CPUs and 2 PSUs lol ... we […]
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BitWrangler wrote on 2023-08-06, 04:11:

Been screwing around with a crappy socket A board, KM133 MSI OEM maybe was in a Packard Hell. Got to where it starts "picking me lottery numbers" on the POST card, i.e. different error every boot. I wasted an hour and a half digging out my old posts here to see if I mentioned how I cured similar symptom on a CUV4X the other year.... and I guess I didn't, thought that one might have been a scrambled/bad BIOS. It might have to go on the pile of "When I get chips and/or a programmer" for now. Could need caps but they look great, any other MSI I pulled the KZEs on of same age, they checked out fine.

Update... a 3rd different RAM stick tried and I have the POST screen w00t. This was after 2 different CPUs and 2 PSUs 🤣 ... weirdly it was giving "total deadness" vibes when no RAM inserted, then after CPU change was doing the "lottery numbers" picking, but no RAM codes, it should have been giving me RAM codes dammit... unless it didn't support the refresh type on those DRAMs or something super esoteric. Though I noticed I may have missed a clue, because although it was giving me a lot of crap it did report it could not initialise the display adapter 2 or 3 times in there. Now, I was just trying the onboard cyber fleem delta sheen or whatever, and I guess it could not initialise because it couldn't allocate RAM. Not having the penny drop yet, I stuck an AGP card in there and got more randomness.

I thought that RAM I was using at first was good though. Sometimes I wonder if it's sheer force of will that brings boards up, or dotting all the "i"s crossing all the "t"s or some variation of just showing the board you're not a n00b lightweight to be messed around with. Pre-threatening them with the giant soldering iron used to put the fear of .... me .. into them, maybe should start doing that again.

Anyway, that's an extra gotcha to note with onboard graphics boards, if complain about display adapter, think about where or if it's getting it's display buffer.

Though the board has been "kicking around" for years, it's possible it took enough CPU and RAM changes to scrape the oxide off the sockets.

So, back to a bit more fiddling with the dumb thing...

Well now I feel like a shrub on a flat-top... premature declaration of victory... it's still flaky as hell. Seems more likely to get to POST screen when off for a while... went sniping with freezer spray and thought I'd narrowed it down... but then it became not repeatable.... and I'm getting too much condensation today to keep at it. Might whack a couple of capacitors on it if I have any matches in the stash. I was thinking earlier that I might replace the one between AGP and Northbridge (MS-6340) as the pic on RetroWeb and a few others for sale used on a search are showing it bulged and leaky. Mine looks fine, but it looks like that one is usually the first to go, the most hammered, so I'll play the odds. Would make sense of the randomness if the northbridge is getting glitched.

Unicorn herding operations are proceeding, but all the totes of hens teeth and barrels of rocking horse poop give them plenty of hiding spots.

Reply 24855 of 29373, by Demetrio

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Yesterday I've done some cleaning / tests on my retro rigs.

Found out that my 386SX build didn't show any video output: I've solved by moving the video card to another ISA slot; maybe the previous one went faulty, which by the way isn't too much of a problem as I have no plan to install additional cards.

I've also tested MIDI playback on my PMMX build, with the Roland SC-55, on Windows 95.

Reply 24856 of 29373, by appiah4

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Rank l33t++

I'm adding a Not-A-Varta to my boards that a) have no BAT_EXT header b) are currently in a case. Fun times!

Question: Despite the diode I am reading a 0.02V charging voltage when powered on, I don't think that would cause issues for a CR2032, no?

Reply 24857 of 29373, by Veeb0rg

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I've have a Varta to CR2032 installed on my 386 board for a while now. No explosions so far!

Reply 24858 of 29373, by Tiido

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Rank l33t

Speaking of explosions, I had that happen too to the 486 :

The attachment IMG_4543.jpg is no longer available

I replaced all these little blue drops with something else, and hopefully the ones on the motherboard itself will not start going out like this anytime soon 🤣
The PSU immediately went into protection so that probably saved me from having a whole lot more fallout to deal with...

T-04YBSC, a new YMF71x based sound card & Official VOGONS thread about it
Newly made 4MB 60ns 30pin SIMMs ~
mida sa loed ? nagunii aru ei saa 😜

Reply 24859 of 29373, by ChrisK

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Tiido wrote on 2023-08-08, 10:39:
Speaking of explosions, I had that happen too to the 486 : IMG_4543.jpg I replaced all these little blue drops with something el […]
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Speaking of explosions, I had that happen too to the 486 :
I replaced all these little blue drops with something else, and hopefully the ones on the motherboard itself will not start going out like this anytime soon 🤣
The PSU immediately went into protection so that probably saved me from having a whole lot more fallout to deal with...

Can you define "something else"?
Did you replace them with new tantalums or really "something else"?

RetroPC: K6-III+/400ATZ @6x83@1.7V / CT-5SIM / 2x 64M SDR / 40G HDD / RIVA TNT / V2 SLI / CT4520
ModernPC: Phenom II 910e @ 3GHz / ALiveDual-eSATA2 / 4x 2GB DDR-II / 512G SSD / 750G HDD / RX470