Alright. So, after about troubleshooting things last night and into the morning, I could not get the Ultrasound side working properly.
First of all, it seems that the pre-installed drivers like the default C:\ULTRASND directory when initialized, because otherwise I would get a "Can't open message file" error even if I change the INI files to point to another directory. I prefer it to be stored in an alternate directory for sake of organization, but I guess what works works. So, when I tried games like Duke 3D, Blood, and Shadow Warrior, all played just fine, even the emulated GM music works fine. Albeit, the sound effects in these games when using the GUS is rather clicky especially when at higher bit rates like 44 khz. I then tried OMF 2097 and I could NOT get any sound out of the GUS. Same thing with Epic Pinball. And even under Windows 98, I could not get anything at all with games that take full advantage of the GUS.
Everything is set as they should be. IRQs, DMAs, the address, and everything. It even initialized just fine under DOS, but again, no sound under OMF or Epic Pinball.