Hope this long infodump post isn't too much. It's been an adventure finding this thing again.
It took me a loooong time to find a copy of the files and as I said I finally emailed Michael Henry who worked on the audio / music for the software asking him about it and he emailed me a copy of the program. His site is https://isorhythm.com/ - my correspondence with him was polite but he kept calling Windows "Windoze" 😑
I had emailed Steve Boyer who also worked on this and he politely declined me.
From his site - http://www.steveboyerdesign.com/mtv.php
Originally designed for MTV as a prototype mechanism for creating music games this unique musical toy was purchased by Intel to showcase their MMX technology and was showcased at the New York Experimental Music Festival. Innovative on many fronts, it was one of the earliest 3D musical interfaces and it incorporated a system for constructing musical passages in real time by stitching together pre-recorded beats, phrases, grooves and loops before these processes became common practice. It also incorporated a method for providing realtime musical feedback and a transition masking technique we referred to at the time as 'musical duct tape'.
Press F1 once you've downloaded the groove machine and you'll see the help/about box and it lists both of these people. Alternatively here's the about box uploaded to Imgur https://i.imgur.com/tMHfdOh.png
I originally found out who had worked on it via this ebook.
https://www.google.com/books/edition/The_Comp … tsec=frontcover
This is the prototype from which the Intel Groove Machine was made
MTV Groove Engine prototype