OK, the files are finally here.
The files chosen are all Roland files from the 90s, "All Stars", "Cool" and "Elise". The three were chosen because they display GS characteristics and a variety of tempos (All Stars), problem cases like Bass and Lead* (Cool), and solo piano for easier audio quality/sound comparison (Elise). They also all contain an embedded GS Reset at the start.
* Bass and Lead is an example of a synth instrument that sounds different from the 55 to later models due to different waveforms used. (If I've somehow got this wrong, and Bass and Lead is not one of them that uses different waveforms, let me know please! 😀 )
They can be found here:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1c0Lo2RjKDF1C … iew?usp=sharing
1. Please record the MIDI files digitally from an audio interface/sound card at either 24 or 32-bits/96 kHz sample rate - or if not possible, let me know and we will work out a nearest-neighbour compromise - with no editing of the MIDI data, no changed settings on your module, no additional processing enabled on your audio interface or sound card, and no processing of the digital recording (I will be doing all of that).
2. Also, please include at least 5 seconds of recorded silence before the MIDI plays, and 5 after the MIDI stops playing (and audio/reverb/etc can no longer be heard).
3. Please ensure your Sound Canvas is set for maximum volume output, unless the recording clips, and then preferably limit it on your audio interface/sound card as necessary. Volume changes on the Sound Canvas itself is to be used as a *last resort* and only to the amount that stops the resulting recording clipping, as any reduction in volume reduces the dynamic range of the synth when recorded. If you have had to use any of these changes (i.e., any scenario other than full volume output of your Sound Canvas or full volume input on your audio interface), please include that information.
4. Finally, upload the unprocessed file as a lossless WAV/FLAC file (zipping/etc is advisable) to a file sharing host that has no ads or restrictions, such as Google Drive, Mega, or Mediafire, and send it to me via this forum, or via email at agillett@NOSPAMsierramusiccentral.com (delete the NOSPAM part).
Note: If there's a 4th file you want to record, or any additional files that were designed for Sound Canvas playback (designed for either SC-55, SC-88, SC-88Pro, SC-8820 or SC-8850, and variations), feel free to record them and I will use some under an "Extra" or similar section. (Of course, extras need to have a GS reset at the start, and you need to specify reverb/chorus settings used, what MIDI device recorded from, etc. I'll also need the MIDI file for inspection as well as the digital recordings recorded to specifications above.)
OK, hopefully we can finally get moving. Sorry for the delays everyone, I was sick and then had exams, and then got sick again. Ah, fun times. 😉
NOTE: The project document will hopefully be updated this week.