Reply 2260 of 2281, by jordanpublic
Hi. Any news?
sleepybear360 wrote on 2021-04-03, 15:35:Yes, D-Fend Renewed (thanks for the name by the way) has been born on 4-3-2021 and is ready to live, provided you want it too! What I am doing now is preparing to recreate and fix a lot of the issues in D-Fend Reloaded is a new iteration of the application called D-Fend Renewed, and it needs your support to live. What do I mean by support? Well, simply put, there has to be an interest in the project before I decide to continue it, after all, it doesn't make sense to spend hundreds of man-hours on an application if nobody will use it. So consider this post to be a probe if you will so I can tell if there is still a need in 2021 for this once beautiful piece of software.