Reply 720 of 782, by DosFreak
- Rank
- l33t++
Finished God of War
Played at 3840x1600 on Ultra with my 1080ti on my Gsync compatible monitor at 40fps in outside areas and 50+ in inside areas. Didn't notice any performance issues.
No crashes
Story and gameplay are both excellent.
Didn't bother killing myself with killing all valkyrie (3 left) or finishing the 6th trial in Muspelheim. I know it's beatable but I don't consider it fun to play over and over and over and over, trying to pick the best gear for each fight and enchantments and trying different tactics 20 times to finally beat something to get a meaningless item when the main quest is already completed so yeah I'm done. heh.
Would be nice to play the other games in the series but I have so many PC games to play I'll probably never get around to playing those games in RPCS3.