List the PC games that you have beaten

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Reply 720 of 782, by DosFreak

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Finished God of War
Played at 3840x1600 on Ultra with my 1080ti on my Gsync compatible monitor at 40fps in outside areas and 50+ in inside areas. Didn't notice any performance issues.
No crashes
Story and gameplay are both excellent.
Didn't bother killing myself with killing all valkyrie (3 left) or finishing the 6th trial in Muspelheim. I know it's beatable but I don't consider it fun to play over and over and over and over, trying to pick the best gear for each fight and enchantments and trying different tactics 20 times to finally beat something to get a meaningless item when the main quest is already completed so yeah I'm done. heh.

Would be nice to play the other games in the series but I have so many PC games to play I'll probably never get around to playing those games in RPCS3.

Last edited by DosFreak on 2022-02-14, 23:46. Edited 1 time in total.

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Reply 721 of 782, by mihai

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I have exactly 1578 PC games in my collection. I have finished cca 49 of them (counting since 1996), among the highlights:

The Outer Worlds - I can't believe how much I loved it, one of the few games I could not stop playing until finished.
Silent Hill 2 - 3
Deus Ex 1 - 3; I dislike DX - MD with a passion, could not get into it. I am pushing myself to play it, no luck yet.
Baldur's Gate 1 - 2 - took me 8 months.
Icewind Dale 2
Planescape Torment - I am replaying this game every year. I will stop playing it when I will get bored with it.
Fallout 1, Fallout 2, Fallout New Vegas - After F1/2, It was very difficult to get into NV; I missed 25% of the quests on my playthrough.
NWN 1 - 2
Dragon Age 1- 2 - on PS3 only.
Mass Effect 1 - 3 - on PS3 so no sure this counts.
Doki Doki Literature Club
Jade Empire
Pillars of Eternity
Grim Fandango
Monkey Island 1 - 3.

and couple more obscure ones.

Now that I have revived my Steam XP client, I will tackle some of my backlog.

Reply 722 of 782, by clueless1

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DosFreak wrote on 2022-02-14, 23:05:

Would be nice to play the other games in the series but I have so many PC games to play I'll probably never get around to playing those games in RPCS3.

I seldom play games in a series except after a couple of years apart. Wing Commander 1-3 and Wizardry 6-8 were exceptions. Looking at my completed games list,

-WC 1-3 all played in a row, with WC4 played after the following game (System Shock).
-System Shock and System Shock 2 played 5 months apart.
-Ultima Underworld 1 and 2 played only a couple of months apart.
-Legend of Grimrock 1 played in 2017, still have not played LoG2.
-Baldur's Gate 1 played in 2017, still have not played BG2.
-Realms of Arkania 1 played in 2017, 2 in 2019, 3 in 2021.
-Eschalon: Book 1 played in 2017/18, Book 2 in 2019, Book 3 in 2021.
-Crusader: No Remorse and No Regret played 6 months apart.
-Half-Life 1 in 2018, HL2 in 2021
-Wolfenstein: TOB 2018, TNO 2019, TNC in 2020.
-Pillars of Eternity in 2019, still have not played PoE2.
-Wizardry 6, 7, 8 played successively over a 1 year period, 9/2019 to 9/2020.
-Bioshock 1 in 2020, have not played 2 or 3 yet.
-Metro 2033 in 2019, Last Light in 2021, have not played Exodus yet.
-Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl played in 2022, have not played Call of Pripyat yet.

What is RPCS3?

The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don't know.
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Reply 723 of 782, by Shagittarius

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clueless1 wrote on 2022-02-15, 00:06:
DosFreak wrote on 2022-02-14, 23:05:

Would be nice to play the other games in the series but I have so many PC games to play I'll probably never get around to playing those games in RPCS3.

What is RPCS3?

Playstation 3 Emulator.

Reply 724 of 782, by kaiser77_1982

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All saga CNC.

CNC: Generals is amazing!!! On the other hand, Red Alert 3 is so-so. It looks like a porn parody.

Now I am with CNC4, it is so bored, I can understand EA with this saga.

Other good game is Lifeless Planet, the final was a WoW.

Reply 725 of 782, by DosFreak

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Rank l33t++

Elden Ring
Astrologer Level 166
158hrs 26m 14s

Pick a build and stick with it, don't stray you won't have runes to experiment unless you farm or use a trainer.
Level up weapons first, then level up your character.
Don't level up your character just for Armor, level up everything else. Armor is pretty much just for looks.
Don't go to Redmane castle, if you do you won't be able to finish other quests until you finish the Radahan fight so just wait.
The game will crash but strangely the game will resume where you died usually since the game does save anywhere. Would be nice if someone would release a mod so this could be controlled but it's not a big deal.
If you don't like to die then use a trainer but put that off as long as possible if you can.
Watch your Runes and how much it takes to level up your character once you do then upgrade your character (weapons first) don't wait since you can't store Runes and you'll likely lose them. Use a Trainer if you don't want to lose runes.
If you are dying alot (one hit kills) then upgrade your Vigor.
Some fights cannot be beat with certain builds and/or single player, either respec your character or use a Trainer if you want to beat it.
If you become exhausted by the game then don't quit. Take a long break first but not too long since other games will come along...., if you are still frustrated then use a Trainer.
If you want to do all the quests or as much as possible then you'll need to read a guide, you won't be able to do them all by yourself.
Use your Spirit Ashes to distract the bosses so you have a chance.
Don't get stuck using subpar weapons, spells, ashes experiment or look on the Internet for the best ones.
Mark the map for areas where you got tired and didn't finish, there is a limit to how much you can mark so when you reach that limit go back and finish some.
Saved are located here: C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\EldenRing. Back them up periodically.
If you want to stick with a certain version of the game but test a newer version then back your save game up. Once you load your save game with the newer version then your saved game is locked to the newer version.
To level up faster then you'll need to do the boss fights so you can get more runes so if you do everything else but those then you'll have wasted a bunch of time.
Use Goldberg Steam Emu if you want to play your game without Steam

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Reply 726 of 782, by DosFreak

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Wolfenstein Youngblood

Movement and weapon handling are good, maps are okay, game is highly repetitive. End game boss is ridiculously hard if you are playing singleplayer.
No crashes.
Tested the game on my Q9650 and it ran at 60fps at 2560x1440 with all settings at max of course it ran at 60fps with all settings at min too 😉 Didn't actually play the game on the Q9650 though but I could have.
Played with Goldberg Steam and Bethesda emulator.
Not worth paying a lot of money for wait until it's very cheap.

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Reply 727 of 782, by Iris030380

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My Daughter and I, we beat Cat Quest II. An AMAZING game! It was hilarious, wading through enemies with no remorse, and we had a system worked out where I would provide the magic support and she would get hands-on in the fight with her super tanky heavy armour + sword build. Relatively challenging, and it was hilarious watching her play! In fact we'd have finished it days earlier, if I hadn't been laughing so much.

We failed to finish Bro-Force. The final levels are just too intense.

On a personal, I finished Ori + The Will Of The Wisps. Like it's predecessor, an amazing game. Hair loss inducing parts, but not many of them. Thought it wouldn't be an Ori game if it was easy.

I also ran through Warcraft III TFT again. And I finished HOMM 4 expansion campaigns.

I5-2500K @ 4.0Ghz + R9 290 + 8GB DDR3 1333 :: I3-540 @ 4.2 GHZ + 6870 4GB DDR3 2000 :: E6300 @ 2.7 GHZ + 1950XTX 2GB DDR2 800 :: A64 3700 + 1950PRO AGP 2GB DDR400 :: K63+ @ 550MHZ + V2 SLI 256 PC133:: P200 + MYSTIQUE / 3Dfx 128 PC66

Reply 728 of 782, by Iris030380

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DosFreak wrote on 2022-07-11, 01:53:
Wolfenstein Youngblood […]
Show full quote

Wolfenstein Youngblood

Movement and weapon handling are good, maps are okay, game is highly repetitive. End game boss is ridiculously hard if you are playing singleplayer.
No crashes.
Tested the game on my Q9650 and it ran at 60fps at 2560x1440 with all settings at max of course it ran at 60fps with all settings at min too 😉 Didn't actually play the game on the Q9650 though but I could have.
Played with Goldberg Steam and Bethesda emulator.
Not worth paying a lot of money for wait until it's very cheap.

I have a fundamental problem with the fact that BJ is dead. Still yet to finish Wolf 2 : Colossus. Machinegames did an awesome job picking up the franchise from those vampires at Zenimax / Bethesda, New Order and Old Blood are superb. But it's surprising that you got ultra smooth gameplay with a Q9650. Why are we spending so much on new processors, then? Makes no SENSE! 🤣

I5-2500K @ 4.0Ghz + R9 290 + 8GB DDR3 1333 :: I3-540 @ 4.2 GHZ + 6870 4GB DDR3 2000 :: E6300 @ 2.7 GHZ + 1950XTX 2GB DDR2 800 :: A64 3700 + 1950PRO AGP 2GB DDR400 :: K63+ @ 550MHZ + V2 SLI 256 PC133:: P200 + MYSTIQUE / 3Dfx 128 PC66

Reply 729 of 782, by Iris030380

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kaiser77_1982 wrote on 2022-03-25, 09:10:

All saga CNC.

CNC: Generals is amazing!!! On the other hand, Red Alert 3 is so-so. It looks like a porn parody.

Thats the appeal. The mechanics suck, there is no doubt! And it lacked the gameplay variation that even RA1 had, in terms of quality. But it's bright and in your face. Lots of things ... are in your face, with RA3.

I've been working on Tiberium Sun, works perfectly well under Windows 10 and is free. Needing to consult Youtube though, in order to save my sanity, on some missions.

I5-2500K @ 4.0Ghz + R9 290 + 8GB DDR3 1333 :: I3-540 @ 4.2 GHZ + 6870 4GB DDR3 2000 :: E6300 @ 2.7 GHZ + 1950XTX 2GB DDR2 800 :: A64 3700 + 1950PRO AGP 2GB DDR400 :: K63+ @ 550MHZ + V2 SLI 256 PC133:: P200 + MYSTIQUE / 3Dfx 128 PC66

Reply 730 of 782, by kaiser77_1982

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Iris030380 wrote on 2022-07-11, 19:26:

I've been working on Tiberium Sun, works perfectly well under Windows 10 and is free. Needing to consult Youtube though, in order to save my sanity, on some missions.

Tiberium Sun is the best CNC of Tiberium, but Tiberium Wars is very fun and big. In fact, the main problem of the RE3 is CNC3. When I play RE3, I only can remember porn film with those uniforms. In Spain, we say that we fell "grima", in English can be translated like aversion or cringe.

Reply 731 of 782, by Iris030380

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kaiser77_1982 wrote on 2022-07-20, 16:31:
Iris030380 wrote on 2022-07-11, 19:26:

I've been working on Tiberium Sun, works perfectly well under Windows 10 and is free. Needing to consult Youtube though, in order to save my sanity, on some missions.

Tiberium Sun is the best CNC of Tiberium, but Tiberium Wars is very fun and big. In fact, the main problem of the RE3 is CNC3. When I play RE3, I only can remember porn film with those uniforms. In Spain, we say that we fell "grima", in English can be translated like aversion or cringe.

I love it though. It's so over the top. I think it started with Tanya, apparently the actress that turned up to play Tanya in the C&C games was "a bit loose" and was constantly under the influence of recreational "help" during filming.

You can see the influence in other games such as Supreme Commander, with the female avatars in mission briefings being questionably endowed and overly symetrical. Although nowhere near as sleazy or obvious as the CNC counterparts.

Yeah I do like Tiberum Sun, it has so much personality and charm and really made it's own way when there were so many other RTS games back then competing - with giants like Microsoft and Blizzard and Westwood all going head to head. Even Molyneux and his weird out-there style of games. So much was happening.

I find skirmish to be very short lived on Tiberium though. I can happily play Age of Mythology, Total Annihilation, Warcraft III, Dawn Of War skirmishes till the day I die and never get bored. But with Tiberium Sun I come away feeling like I just have to go through the motions and it doesn't feel as fun.

I5-2500K @ 4.0Ghz + R9 290 + 8GB DDR3 1333 :: I3-540 @ 4.2 GHZ + 6870 4GB DDR3 2000 :: E6300 @ 2.7 GHZ + 1950XTX 2GB DDR2 800 :: A64 3700 + 1950PRO AGP 2GB DDR400 :: K63+ @ 550MHZ + V2 SLI 256 PC133:: P200 + MYSTIQUE / 3Dfx 128 PC66

Reply 732 of 782, by kaiser77_1982

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Iris030380 wrote on 2022-07-20, 16:46:

You can see the influence in other games such as Supreme Commander, with the female avatars in mission briefings being questionably endowed and overly symetrical. Although nowhere near as sleazy or obvious as the CNC counterparts.

Do you play supcom? It is the best RTS ever.

I can happily play Age of Mythology, Total Annihilation, Warcraft III, Dawn Of War skirmishes till the day I die and never get bored. But with Tiberium Sun I come away feeling like I just have to go through the motions and it doesn't feel as fun.

I don't like Age-series. TA is my third favorite RTS. Warcraft 3 is very good, although I only play the history in Blizzard. I have to test to Dawn Of War, I never play it.

Reply 733 of 782, by Bendejo

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The one's i know i beaten off the top of my head...

C&C-C&C + Red Alert + C&C 3
Diablo+ Diablo 2+ Diablo 3
Fallout- Fallout 2 + Fallout New Vegas
Starcraft+ Brood War+ Starcraft 2+ HoTS+ LotV
Age of Empires 2
Star Wars KOTOR+ KOTOR 2
Halo Combat Evolved
Half Life 2 +Ep1+ Ep2
Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines
Star Wars Empire at War
Portal +Portal 2
The Witcher
Crysis+ Warhead
Faster than Light
Doom 2016

Reply 734 of 782, by RandomStranger

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There are a lot of games I've played a lot, but got hijacked by the fun and didn't beat their camping/carrier mode. There are games I've beaten, but forgot I've ever played and games that I'm unsure if I've actually beaten, probably did, but leave them off. Also games with * before them, I own them on PC, but beaten them on a different platform.

Aliens vs. Predator 2
Aliens vs. Predator 2: Primal Hunt
*Assassin's Creed
Assassin's Creed II
Assassin's Creed III
Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY
Batman: Arkham City GOTY
Battlefield: Bad Company 2
BioShock Infinite
*Brütal Legend
Call of Duty
Call of Duty 2
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Codename: Panzers, Phase One
Command and Conquer Generals
Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars
Colin McRae Rally 2.0
Colin McRae Rally DiRT
Doom 2
Doom 3
Doom 3 RoE
Doom 2016
Fallout 3 GOTY
Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate Edition
Far Cry 3
Grand Theft Auto III
Grand Theft Auto Vice City
Grand Theft Auto IV
Grand Theft Auto V
Half-Life (with all expansions)
Half-Life 2
Half-Life 2 Lost Coast
Half-Life 2: Episode One
Half-Life 2: Episode Two
Hitman 2: Silent Assassin
*Injustice: Gods Among Us
Kingdom Come: Deliverance
*Mass Effect
*Mass Effect 2
*Mass Effect 3
Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne
Medal of Honor Airborne
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault
Metro 2033
Metro Last Light
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor
*Mortal Kombat (9)
Portal 2
Prince of Persia
Prince of Persia (2008)
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
Prince of Persia: Warrior Within
Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones
Quake 2
Quake 4
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Ryse: Son of Rome
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat
Saints Row: The Third
Saints Row IV
Shantae: Half-Genie Hero
Shantae and the Seven Sirens
*Shantae and the Pirate's Curse
Shantae: Risky's Revenge
STAR WARS: Knights of the Old Republic
STAR WARS Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
The Witcher
*The Witcher 2
Terminator Salvation
*Tomb Raider: Legend
Tomb Raider: Anniversary
*Tomb Raider: Underworld
Wasteland 2 Director's Cut
Wolfenstein 3D
Wolfenstein: The New Order
Wolfenstein: The Old Blood

Up until the mind 2000s my gaming habits were hectic. Starting a game, leaving half way through for another one, which I left half way through and return the to the first one of move on to a third and return to the others later, sometimes my PC broke and lost my save files. Also for most RTS and racing games (including the complete Need for Speed series up until Carbon) I've played enough to unlock all or most of the content then played skirmish/quick race for month. So for a lot of 90s and early 2000s games I genuinely have no idea if I ever actually finished them. Meaning this list is very much incomplete.

sreq.png retrogamer-s.png

Reply 735 of 782, by schmatzler

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I just beat "Jenny LeClue - Detectivu" and this game was such a big surprise to me.

I expected a short chield-friendly adventure game. What I got instead was almost 11 hours of a really intricate mystery story, excellent voice acting and interesting puzzles. You are a kid and you solve cases/murders, ask questions to suspects, investigate crime scenes...and run from the police. What's interesting is that Jenny LeClue manages to stay very positive and it makes me as the player feel very happy, despite the topics of the game.

You can see that the developers put a lot of work and dedication into this game, it feels very polished and for a game like this, it looks beautiful, has great music and it's also quite lenghty.

There are also meaningful choices you can do that shape your personality type, tons of collectables to find and excellent voice acting.

I hope there will be a sequel to this.

"Windows 98's natural state is locked up"

Reply 736 of 782, by mihai

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I finished Demon Souls (50 hrs) / Dark Souls ( 80hrs) / Dark Souls 2 (120 hrs). All my backlog is now cancelled - I feel I can't play any other games.

I am now playing Dark Souls 3, slowly and methodically; Elden Ring is next.

I can't believe I have waited so long to play these amazing games.

Reply 737 of 782, by schmatzler

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I finished KOTOR2 after 48 hours and...well, that was one of the worst endings I've ever experienced. There aren't even any credits, it just throws you back to the menu. Come on...

The first one was quite a bit shorter, but well-paced.

KOTOR2 felt way too slow in the beginning, damn interesting in the middle and a chore in the last six hours. Maybe the dark side plays better, but I'll probably never touch this game again in the future.

"Windows 98's natural state is locked up"

Reply 739 of 782, by schmatzler

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That's weird, the game just threw me back to the menu after the ship flyby scene.

Still, the ending wasn't very good and the gameplay was terrible during the last few hours. Not experiencing this particular bug wouldn't change that.

"Windows 98's natural state is locked up"