Reply 60 of 1257, by Marmes

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DNSDies wrote on 2022-07-21, 07:13:

Is the Windows 9x functionality being ported to the older version of the Orpheus as well, or is that impossible?

It will not be possible, this version adds more hardware for that to be possible.
First orpheus was not made with Windows in mind, only DOS. This one we decided to add that feature.

Reply 61 of 1257, by keropi

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like the Orpheus1 there is no filtering applied to output

cards will only be sold fully assembled and ready to go - price will be announced once production is ready to start
the card is still in testing mode and more designs enhancements will come according to feedback so nothing is set to stone yet

it is impossible to port the opl3 enhancements to the original orpheus as these need a new pcb, it's not just software changes

as a sidenote one can remove the PCMIDI IRQ jumper and thus prevent it from using any IRQ... sure it's not a full disable but it's something that can be done with existing hardware
there will be some research to see if this can be further improved but no promises

🎵 🎧 MK1869, PCMIDI MPU , OrpheusII , Action Rewind , Megacard and 🎶GoldLib soundcard website

Reply 62 of 1257, by georgel

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Any GUS samples of the audio output of this card? Any differences with the new version of the InterWave chip?

Reply 63 of 1257, by root42

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With the Orpheus 1 I thought: Well, I don't really need this. But having GUS, SB Pro AND PC MIDI on one card is basically a game changer. This frees up so much space in the machine, it might well be worth it...

YouTube and Bonus
80486DX@33 MHz, 16 MiB RAM, Tseng ET4000 1 MiB, SnarkBarker & GUSar Lite, PC MIDI Card+X2+SC55+MT32, OSSC

Reply 64 of 1257, by appiah4

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Reply 65 of 1257, by Garrett W

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live reaction reading this thread

Congratulations once again, this is a massive undertaking and phenomenal work! I am a bit disappointed you did not take this opportunity to include "GUS" in silly ways when naming the card! Someone mentioned OrpheGUS and I shouted "THIS PERSON GETS IT"

Reply 66 of 1257, by TehGuy

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I needed to fill the last ISA slot I've got anyways, but I guess this'd just swap places with my orpheus I :v

Will the II have hardware mixing (or w/e dxdiag calls it) in 9x, or just software?

Win98+DOS: C3 Ezra-T 1.0AGHz / P3-S 1.26GHz, 128MB RAM, AWE64 + Orpheus + Audigy 2 ZS, Ti 4200, 128GB SD card
Win XP SP3: C2Q 9650, 4GB RAM, X-Fi Titanium, GTX 750
PowerMac G4 QS 800MHz + GeForce4 Ti4200, OS 9
PowerMac G5 DP 1.8Ghz + ATi x800 XT, Leopard

Reply 67 of 1257, by dreamblaster

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Amazing project !

Visit http://www.serdashop.com for retro sound cards, video converters, ...
DreamBlaster X2, S2, S2P, HDD Clicker, ... many projects !
New X2GS SE & X16GS sound card : https://www.serdashop.com/X2GS-SE ,
Thanks for your support !

Reply 68 of 1257, by JimWest

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Garrett W wrote on 2022-07-21, 13:48:

I am a bit disappointed you did not take this opportunity to include "GUS" in silly ways when naming the card! Someone mentioned OrpheGUS and I shouted "THIS PERSON GETS IT"

The first thing what comes in my mind is „OrGUSm“? 🫢

Reply 69 of 1257, by JustJulião

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Looks promising ! Hope it'll exist with a green PCB like the original Orpheus.

Edit : never mind, I missed a line. I guess you'll take my money, then !

Reply 70 of 1257, by Nelson68k

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Well done!

Reply 71 of 1257, by 2Mourty

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That is a thing of beauty!! Not dreaming right?

Reply 72 of 1257, by pentiumspeed

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keropi wrote on 2022-07-18, 12:52:
Hello! […]
Show full quote


I am happy to present you yet another thing that has been in the works for quite some time : the Orpheus II 😁






As it is apparent the main addition is the AMD Interwave chip (of the Gravis Ultrasound PnP fame).
The IW chip is only used as a playback device on the Oprheus II , audio I/O and non-GUS functions are all handled by the CS4237 audio controller.
There is space for full-length wavetable daughterboards like the XR385 and the low profile SIMM socket can accommodate a 16MB RAM stick without obstructing the next ISA slot - so the Interwave chip can be coupled with it's max ram configuration.

But the enhancements do not stop there!
Thanks to 640k!enough 's deeper understanding of the inner workings of the CS4237 audio controller we now have superior interfacing for the YMF289 OPL3 chip - and I dare say not even Crystal themselves would imagine this 😀
Because of these enhancements we can now have under Windows a selection between CrystalFM and OPL3FM devices while still maintaining the same digital connection to the CS4237 and everything else that was already possible with the Orpheus I.

DD4eoHi.png 6MSmj47.png

Under Windows the card works with the stock Crystal and Gravis drivers - no tricks needed to get things running:

NBoYiTVl.png 7it9NYal.png


For DOS there is a new and enhanced ORPHINIT made for Orpheus II in development and for now the GUS part needs either the stock Gravis or Unisound driver to get initialized.

The whole card behaves like 3 cards on 1 pcb: Orpheus + PCMIDI + GUS PNP and as such it is resource heavy:


The card will require from the end user a certain degree of knowledge to get 3 cards going at the same time - as expected from such a setup.
Systems/motherboards that were previously problematic with Orpheus will not see an improvement - as the PnP functions and workings are internal to the CS4237 and no "fixes" can be made on them.
But everything else on the board is improved, from pcb design to components and functionality - all thanks to the experience gained from previous cards.

Currently the card is more or less done on the hardware side, this is the latest/final prototype card with no patch wires needed 🤣
Final card color will be "classic green" for that retro look.

I cannot think to add anything else atm, feel free to ask about things in the thread below since it is certain I have forgotten some important detail 🤣
Thanks for looking!

Noticed one IC package marking is blanked out, am I correct?


Great Northern aka Canada.

Reply 73 of 1257, by root42

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pentiumspeed wrote on 2022-07-21, 22:24:

Noticed one IC package marking is blanked out, am I correct?

The MX ROM looks to be blank. But maybe it's just the angle it was photographed, or they used a blank EPROM in its place.

YouTube and Bonus
80486DX@33 MHz, 16 MiB RAM, Tseng ET4000 1 MiB, SnarkBarker & GUSar Lite, PC MIDI Card+X2+SC55+MT32, OSSC

Reply 74 of 1257, by keropi

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Rank l33t++

this is a prototype , it only serves as an indication of how the card will look like more or less and that it exists
things will change and move around a little , don't fixate on a chip 🤣 🤣 🤣

the rom on the final cards that people will get to buy eventually will be the original interwave mask rom - we have the needed stock since almost a year ago so don't worry

🎵 🎧 MK1869, PCMIDI MPU , OrpheusII , Action Rewind , Megacard and 🎶GoldLib soundcard website

Reply 75 of 1257, by georgel

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Any GUS samples of the audio output of this card? Any sounding differences with the new version of the InterWave chip?

Reply 76 of 1257, by root42

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Rank l33t
keropi wrote on 2022-07-22, 09:08:

this is a prototype , it only serves as an indication of how the card will look like more or less and that it exists
things will change and move around a little , don't fixate on a chip 🤣 🤣 🤣

the rom on the final cards that people will get to buy eventually will be the original interwave mask rom - we have the needed stock since almost a year ago so don't worry

I wouldn't care if the ROM was original or not, as you can make perfect copies. The Interwave is a bigger issue. 😀

YouTube and Bonus
80486DX@33 MHz, 16 MiB RAM, Tseng ET4000 1 MiB, SnarkBarker & GUSar Lite, PC MIDI Card+X2+SC55+MT32, OSSC

Reply 77 of 1257, by appiah4

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root42 wrote on 2022-07-22, 11:18:
keropi wrote on 2022-07-22, 09:08:

this is a prototype , it only serves as an indication of how the card will look like more or less and that it exists
things will change and move around a little , don't fixate on a chip 🤣 🤣 🤣

the rom on the final cards that people will get to buy eventually will be the original interwave mask rom - we have the needed stock since almost a year ago so don't worry

I wouldn't care if the ROM was original or not, as you can make perfect copies. The Interwave is a bigger issue. 😀

Yeah, this 😀

They are becoming rarer but still not impossible to source though so I'd bet keropi and co have enough stock to satisfy demand.

Reply 79 of 1257, by doogie

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Ha, I definitely don’t want to add complication to the procure/assemble/sales/distribution process, but that card would look hot in red or black. 😁