Reply 580 of 589, by marxveix
noshutdown wrote on 2024-11-02, 17:05:marxveix wrote on 2024-11-02, 16:12:Geforce2/3 and ATi Rage128 Pro works well for me @ K6-2+/3+. Some should say what driver Radeon 7 8 9 series likes for AMD K6 build, they i havent got working as i like for old K6.
"work well" means to achieve comparable performance to the pentium2, not just to get things running.
AMD K6-3 is a slower cpu, you cant get it with same level with Pentium 3, you have to use bit older graphics card with older driver, that are optimized to k6 and 3dnow, because of that, newer cards dont work well and slower card are slow. 3DFX works, some Geforce work and Rage128 Pro works. Rage128 Pro for up to DX6.1, Geforce2 up to DX7, Geforce 3 max at DX8, most cases you dont need DX9 card for AMD K6, but you can use DX9 card with K6. I use even Rage Pro with AMD K6 and it works ok, still Geforce2/3 is best choice for it, 3DFX is expencive to buy, Geforce2 MX400 64MB / Geforce 3 TI200 64MB is good choice for it.
Many dont use 3DNow with other cards than 3DFX Glide, you can use 3DNow OpenGL with ATi/Nvidia. There are many games with 3Dnow support and graphics card driver should also support it. Quake2 you can select 3Dnow OpenGL, not just OpenGL. SSE is faster than 3DNow, but 3Dnow is supported with older titles, even Phenom II has 3Dnow.
30+ MiniGL/OpenGL Win9x files for all Rage3 cards: Re: ATi RagePro OpenGL files