I found another ZIP with Aureal 8820 drivers with a slightly different file size. Not sure if it's another version.
I think there is only one version in the wild for Windows 3.11... ver. 3.1 from 4/29/1998 - I would gladly test any other version.
Unfortunately, this version doesn't work on newer motherboards - even if AU8820 works fine in DOS! So, there might be some chipset magic embedded into .386/.vxd driver files because AU8820 is recognized instantly on a VIA VMP3 motherboard, using a Windows 3.11 installation (with Aureal drivers) from another computer. But when the same drive is plugged on a newer motherboard I get the same error as if the card is not plugged in: "Couldn't get VxD API". I tested here several Intel/AMD motherboards in DOS with AU8820 and none of them is recognizing AU8820 in Windows 3.11.
I found another ZIP with Aureal 8820 drivers with a slightly different file size. Not sure if it's another version.
I think there is only one version in the wild for Windows 3.11... ver. 3.1 from 4/29/1998 - I would gladly test any other version.
Unfortunately, this version doesn't work on newer motherboards - even if AU8820 works fine in DOS! So, there might be some chipset magic embedded into .386/.vxd driver files because AU8820 is recognized instantly on a VIA VMP3 motherboard, using a Windows 3.11 installation (with Aureal drivers) from another computer. But when the same drive is plugged on a newer motherboard I get the same error as if the card is not plugged in: "Couldn't get VxD API". I tested here several Intel/AMD motherboards in DOS with AU8820 and none of them is recognizing AU8820 in Windows 3.11.
i believe the reason why the windows driver fail to work because the driver code is not programmed to work with the aureal chipset behind an PCI bridge. which is similar how the 9x drivers throw an error talking about not being on the primary PCI bus, that error box "Couldn't get VxD API" is major sign of the side effects. Maybe it can work with a secret win.ini setting?, kinda like how the aureal win9x driver has an registry key that makes it ignore primary bus error.
the "ASP4DOS" TSR is it's own real mode DOS driver design to work independently from windows and then so has support for working with the sound card behind an PCI bridge and other unusual PCI Buses.
Although i could mistaken that error for something else, correct me if i'm wrong if this is something else entirely.
Btw i've got this sound card working in a Windows 3.11 KVM Virtual machine using PCI Passthrough on c602 chipset motherboard. I noticed the VM makes any device attached to it behave like it's on the primary bus of the VM, at least thats how windows 98 & Windows 2000 device manager sees it. "maybe the emulated 440fx & PIIX3 chipsets on QEMU maybe gives it support? idk really..."
I don't think PCI-E to PCI bridges are the problem in my system. Didn't get any PCI related errors while installing Windows 95A, 98, Me, NT 3.51, NT4 etc.
I have tested 2 Realtek PCI cards (8029/8139) which have Windows 3.1 drivers (although I suspect they rely mostly on DOS NDIS driver). Right now I'm using an Intel PCI-E gigabit card with DOS NDIS drivers and it works... (see photo)
On the same system with AU8820 I have a Voodoo 3 3000 PCI which is working behind a PCI-E to PCI bridge in Windows 3.11. I mean the installation is all natural, no errors, I get 1280x1024 by simply restarting Windows after driver installation is done.
Also I tested AU8820 on a H55, Q67 and Z68 Intel chipsets (with native PCI support) and while the card works fine in DOS - it's non-existent in Windows 3.11.
I took a peek inside the driver files - and there are plenty errors related to PCI - but none of them is showing up. I will investigate further...
Some other PCI sound cards from the same era are trying to detect at driver level if the motherboard is a Intel FX or Intel TX... (there is a thread here, somewhere) - I suspect something similar is going on....
cprietowrote on 2021-01-26, 17:41:I know this is a very old thread but I want to report my experiences with some of the info showed here: […] Show full quote
I know this is a very old thread but I want to report my experiences with some of the info showed here:
I own a Creative CT4810, with a much newer chip (CT2518) and I tried the same driver for ES1371 and as many others, it just installs and tells you that it will restart Windows and nothing happens. The installer has a Windrv.z file with the following content:
Meanwhile, I had been able to make it work with the driver at http://turkeys4me.byethost4.com/programs/index.htm without problems, just changing the system.ini and copying the file, it doesn't even need to load the DOS driver with APINIT and APLOAD in Autoexec.bat.
Hi first time poster, but have been looking around for a while.
I was inspired to get es1371 pci sound card because of these drivers from turkeys4me. I was not able to make them work.
Can someone elaborate more on what is ment by changing the system.ini and copying the file.
What should be changed in the system in and what file is to be copied and where is it to be pasted?
Hi first time poster, but have been looking around for a while.
I was inspired to get es1371 pci sound card because of these dri […] Show full quote
Hi first time poster, but have been looking around for a while.
I was inspired to get es1371 pci sound card because of these drivers from turkeys4me. I was not able to make them work.
Can someone elaborate more on what is ment by changing the system.ini and copying the file.
What should be changed in the system in and what file is to be copied and where is it to be pasted?
Hi, on what hardware are you running Win 3.1? Does it start in enhanced mode? If so, you don't have to make any changes to any file, just install drivers ( turkeys4me) from control panel and system.ini will be automatically modified. This lines will be added:
1[drivers] 2wave=CT137X.DLL
If you can get an original ES1370 from Ensoniq you can use their drivers and install the card even on very modern hardware, right now I'm using an Audio 3000 PCI with ES1370 on a Ryzen 3900X - and it works perfectly. (MIDI also)
Hi omores,
It's a 500mhz Celeron.
Maybe I have not installed the drivers correctly. I don't have any of these settings on my machine.
Or perhaps the card I got is not what it was advertised as. I think it is an es1371
Anyone know if that is the correct card for those drivers?
Yes, the card should be OK... You still didn't specify the exact model, but this driver is kinda universal...
Did you test the card on Windows 95, 98? I have like 7 or 8 of these Creative sound cards in my collection (with ES137x ) and 2 of them are broken/bad/not working...
Anyone know if that is the correct card for those drivers?
Yes, the card should be OK... You still didn't specify the exact model, but this driver is kinda universal...
Did you test the card on Windows 95, 98? I have like 7 or 8 of these Creative sound cards in my collection (with ES137x ) and 2 of them are broken/bad/not working...
No... I haven't. But I was beginning to wonder that too. I'll test it on another machine with a different os
I originally got an later Creative Ensoniq AudioPCI (CT4810) card with the CT5880 chip
- CD Has Drivers for later windows but not 3.1
- The 7501748.exe drivers give the "no card detected" message
- The older Watler's drivers (crea1371.dll) didn't work, It had a device selection and none of the options seemed to do anything
- The newer Watler's drivers (CT137X.dll) worked (wav only) but the sound goes strange after a while http://turkeys4me.byethost4.com/programs/index.htm
I purchased an older Ensoniq AudioPCI with the ES1370 chip
- The 7501748.exe drivers installs fine and works great
Playing with the Aureal Vortex 1 (AU8820), it does work just fine in DOS and Windows 3.1x, however adjusting the sound can be a little tedious.
I think in theory, for DOS, settings are supposed to pull from vortex.ini, but perhaps if you replace asp4dos.com with the newer version, that doesn't work, not sure.
However, I found a DOS mixer that works with SB compatible soundcards and also works with this card called SBMIX: https://www.bttr-software.de/products/sbmix/
Example usage:
1sbmix 15 /w15,15 /f15,15 /c15,15
For Win3.1X, the best I can tell, there is no GUI for the mixer (you'll notice that an "Aureal Vortex Mixer" driver is installed when you install the Win3.1 drivers)
However, there are settings in C:\windows\system.ini that you can change under [Config\MixerSettings]
To get max volume, I just changed all values that were 32767 to 65535 (items like VolLineOutLeft, VolLineOutRightt, etc.) When done, it looked like this for me:
And of course, Windows will unload the asp4dos DOS driver on launch which is annoying, so you need to reload it when you exit Windows and reset the sound levels. SMH. So I moved C:\windows\win.com to be C:\windows\wincom.com and created a C:\windows\win.bat with these contents:
As I mentioned earlier, I believe the Ensoniq AudioPCI cards are the way to go. Creative bought out Ensoniq and used their cards as the basis for the PCI Sound Blaster line, but apparently the drivers are not as good.
I bought one of those audiopci cards got the dos drivers and if it did not reboot, it gave a emm386 has halted your computer to prevent damage press any key to reboot, of course if I could find the "any key" I would press it, no but seriously pressing any key does nothing as the computer is locked up.
I put the sb live card back in and at least it initializes in dos but windows wfw sb 1.o nor sb 1.5 will load as not one of the ports nor irq matches the card.
I think I figured why, I have on board sound and the sb live pci card, I can turn off the onboard sound in the bios, but it is still being detected by windows and is why I am getting port setting not matching,
I saw an ess solo card mentioned that has dos and win 3x drivers but will it work in my system, the cheapest one on ebay is right at 50.00 most of the others are 81.00 plus 51.00 shipping, I am not paying that just to find out it won't work either.
Dennis1959wrote on 2024-05-29, 03:36:I bought one of those audiopci cards got the dos drivers and if it did not reboot, it gave a emm386 has halted your computer to […] Show full quote
As I mentioned earlier, I believe the Ensoniq AudioPCI cards are the way to go. Creative bought out Ensoniq and used their cards as the basis for the PCI Sound Blaster line, but apparently the drivers are not as good.
I bought one of those audiopci cards got the dos drivers and if it did not reboot, it gave a emm386 has halted your computer to prevent damage press any key to reboot, of course if I could find the "any key" I would press it, no but seriously pressing any key does nothing as the computer is locked up.
I put the sb live card back in and at least it initializes in dos but windows wfw sb 1.o nor sb 1.5 will load as not one of the ports nor irq matches the card.
I think I figured why, I have on board sound and the sb live pci card, I can turn off the onboard sound in the bios, but it is still being detected by windows and is why I am getting port setting not matching,
I saw an ess solo card mentioned that has dos and win 3x drivers but will it work in my system, the cheapest one on ebay is right at 50.00 most of the others are 81.00 plus 51.00 shipping, I am not paying that just to find out it won't work either.
At least the cd music works in wfw
Sorry to hear your having problems like that.
All of the Ensoniq Audio PCI cards will work with Dos 6.22 & Win3.11 with the right drivers.
As for EMM386 having problems, IIRC, you may not be able to use EMS memory while loading the drivers for it (I could be wrong).
I have 3 ESS PCI sound cards sitting around that I'm not using.
One with the ES1370 chip.
One with the ES1371 chip.
One with the ES1373 chip.
I'm happy to send you all 3 sound cards for free (you just pay shipping).
You have to be good with editing your Config.sys and Autoexec.bat, otherwise you won't be properly checking all the drivers correctly. Some may need custom/manual editing in those boot files.