Rendition Verite Thread

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Reply 400 of 756, by falloutboy

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NASCAR Racing 1999 Edition does not work with my V2200 8MB PCI card. Not in Windows 98SE, nor in DOS. I use the latest Hercules driver version 0.85. But it works fine with the "BigRRed" glide_wrapper, even on a Pentium200.
What drivers are you using?

About Indy Car Racing II, you can try different spd3d.uc driver files or try this http://web.archive.org/web/19980421092408/www … com/3dtips.html


Indycar Racing II ()

Q:: I can't get Indy Car Racing II to work on my V2x00 card!!

A: Ok, there are a few things you can try. Get the icr2_v2k.zip from my download page and try it and see if it works. Also try renaming the spd3d.uc to spd3d.uc2. Then try the v2dosfix.zip and see if you can run it under DOS. Colin Taber mailed me this great step-by-step solution. you can also find it at http://members.aol.com/snakeracin/snake/v2x00.htm

Hello ICR2 drivers!

If you've got a new Diamond Stealth II or Hercules Thriller or other video board based on the v2x00 series of Rendition chips, you know that it is not fully compatible with the Rendition version of Indycar II by Papyrus. Unfortunately, there is the same problem with the rerelease of the game as CART Racing. The main problem is that the mirrors appear square, and the cars ghost really badly in the lower part of the mirror, which is where they always are. This makes the game almost undriveable if you rely on your mirrors in a race. Also the area of the cockpit above the dash doesn't appear at all - cosmetic yes, but it detracts from the simulation.

Stefan at Rendition put together a partial solution, which if implemented in the manner described below, has worked 99% of the time to solve most of this problem. I don't know who originally figured this out - I'm just attempting to present it here in an intelligible form for other users. There are basically two steps to make.


First of all, you have to edit the indyfast.bat to get it to run even with the screwy
mirrors. (If you are running from WIN95, either quit to a DOS session or make sure you
change the properties of 'indyfast.bat' to DOS-only after you edit it.) I suggest you
backup your original indyfast.bat to another name

Here's what that file should look like (note: if you're using CART racing, all the
places it says "indycar2" or "indy", you will find the letters "cart"):

@echo off
rem INDYFAST.BAT - Runs Indycar Racing Rendition in DMA mode
rem DMA mode is faster than FIFO mode, but does not work on some machines
rem * Expects game executable indycar.EXE in game directory
rem * Currently expects 9/10/96 version of SPD3D.UC
rem * INDYCAR2's DOS4GW will not work if Quake's QDPMI is installed
cd c:\indycar2
rem Only use this if your machine fails to recognize the correct amount of
rem memory installed on your board. Set it to the number of megabytes.
rem Display Rendition logo
echo INDYFAST.BAT: Redirecting output to file 'INDYCAR.DMP'
mode co80
REM echo INDYFAST.BAT: Displaying file 'INDY.DMP':
REM echo.
REM echo.

The concept is simple. I'm no expert, but here's the deal. The speedy3d acceleration
process uses a file called spd3d.uc (located in your Indycar2 directory) to instruct the
Rendition chip what to do. Using the patched indycar2.exe included in Stefan's patch
(icr2_v2k.zip, available at Bjorn's 3d World), you have to boot the game twice, once using
the original spd3d.uc, and then with the patched spd3d.uc2 file. The trick is, you have to
Show last 44 lines
rename the spd3d.uc2 file to spd3d.uc as well. So you're in essence swapping the uc files,
which you have to boot the game twice to do. Clear enough?

What I did is copy the two uc files (original spd3d.uc and patched spd3d.uc2) to a new
folder called MONKEY, then made a few batch files to run it easily.

Step-by-step instructions:

1.Put spd3d.uc and spd3d.uc2 in a subdir called MONKEY in your ICR2 dir
2.Create two batch files, as follows, in your INDYCAR2 directory:

a. text of MONKEY1.BAT

del spd3d.uc
copy monkey\spd3d.uc spd3d.uc
call indyfast
b. text of MONKEY2.BAT

del spd3d.uc
copy monkey\spd3d.uc2 spd3d.uc
call indyfast
3.Make sure indycar2.exe, indyfast.bat, monkey1.bat and monkey2.bat are in your INDYCAR2 dir.
4.From INDYCAR2 dir type monkey1 (copies first uc file to ICR2 dir, boots the game)
5.Exit ICR2 game
6.From INDYCAR2 dir type monkey2 (copies first uc file to ICR2 dir, boots the game)


This should work. Let me know if not. If it's not working at all, you probably have the
wrong indycar2.exe and spd3d.uc files to begin with. Email me to report problems or ask
questions. Also, the graphics ontrack midscreen will show a little distortion in the distant
horizon on the track -- the tire tracks looks a little blocky... Press Alt-A to turn on
anti-aliasing, which worked for me. Others say things are still a bit off for them. I also
notice a lot of funny transparency problems on my Stealth II with helmets, dust and some of
the scenery - they sometimes flash in a chrome-like sort of way. But this is far less
irritating than mirrors you can't use.

Apparently you have to go through this monkey business every time you boot up DOS. If you
quit the game but stay in DOS, you just have to run indyfast and it still is patched. I found
that if I played the game, then returned to WIN95, I had to do the whole deal again. Anyone
with a report on this aspect or any other aspect of this problem, feel free to email me - I'll
post the important bits for others. For instance I'm not sure if this all works from WIN95
without quitting to a DOS session.

If your game is installed in "C:\ICR2", you can use my files without modification.
Start "MONKEY1.bat" first, (the game should work now but does have artifacts in the mirrors and on the cockpit)
then quit the game and
start "MONKEY2.bat".
Now the game works without artifacts in the mirrors, but it also disabled anti aliasing in them.

Last edited by falloutboy on 2016-09-15, 09:57. Edited 2 times in total.

Reply 401 of 756, by Tweakstone

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Rank Newbie

Thanks a lot!!!
IndyCar II works now 😀 stangely I only have to use monkey1.bat and it starts just fine at first try (under DOS), but I don't mind that 😁
I tried to adapt the batch file for scorched planet (since it shows the same error), but no luck 😒
You don't accidentally have a fix for that lying round for that one either ? 😁

For NR1999: I switched the QDI with an Thriller 3D 4MB card during the last tests and that card runs NR1999 with no problems with the 0.85 driver.
I'm currently re-applying an OS Image without drivers and then I'll plug the QDI back in to test it for you. I think I used the same driver and it worked with no problems.
I'll report back in a few minutes 😀

Reply 402 of 756, by Tweakstone

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Rank Newbie

NR1999 works for me with a QDI Legend 8MB AGP and Hercules 0.85 driver. No special things to do.
The spd3d.uc in the gamefolder is from 1996-10-25 and has 56KB size. What is yours like?
I attached mine if yours is different.

Reply 403 of 756, by falloutboy

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Thank you for testing NR1999. It's probably just my game version. The spd3d.uc file seems to be the same.

There seems to be a problem with emm386, Rendition & Scorched Planet, but probably not your problem?
http://web.archive.org/web/19980123234800/htt … ios/patches.htm

Problem: There have been reports of lockup problems running Scorched Planet with Rendition Verite based cards. The symptoms are […]
Show full quote

Problem: There have been reports of lockup problems running Scorched Planet with Rendition Verite based cards. The symptoms are that Scorched Planet presents you with a black screen upon running it. The problem is due to compatibility problems between the Rendition's own driver library, Speedy 3D and emm386.

Solution: Should you be experiencing problems in running the Rendition Verite enhanced version of Scorched Planet, here's what you should do:

1) If you have emm386.exe in your config.sys file, you can try adding the /NOEMS switch. The line in your config.sys file will now look something like (your version may vary slightly):


2) If #1 doesn't work, try removing or commenting out EMM386.EXE from your config.sys file entirely. You may wish to prepare a boot disk as an alternative solution at this point.

Maybe just try every spd3d.uc file you can get.

Reply 404 of 756, by Tweakstone

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Under Windows Dosbox i get a black screen with Scorched Planet.
Under DOS I get a corrupted screen as in my picture some posts earlier.
I'll try some spd3d.uc files then, perhaps I'm lucky 😀

Reply 405 of 756, by Tweakstone

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Rank Newbie

Sadly no luck 🙁
I found 8 different spd3d.uc files but all show the exact same result.
Any further ideas are welcome.

Reply 406 of 756, by keropi

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Rank l33t++

I just received my QDI 8MB AGP v2200 card and the first thing I wanted to try was Tomb Raider for DOS. So I downloaded the Verite patch, replaced tomb.exe and the game complains:
"Could not open Verite. Error code 20:03"
what am I missing? Do I need another spd3d.uc file ?

I needed to patch TOMB.EXE with v2dosfix patcher , now TR works... I'm gonna leave this info here just in case anyone is hasty and does not spend some time reading for more info 🤣

been messing with both TR and vQuake under DOS, I like what I am seeing... too bad mode-x is ultra-slow with the card, it would make a nice choice...

So I was looking at vogonsdrivers, in the "Rendition - QDI Vision-1 BIOS/Drivers" package.
Inside there is a v1.44 BIOS and a flash utility. My card reports this on boot:


So 1.44 is a newer version, before I flash it , is there a point to save the older BIOS or something? Anyone needs it?


Well, is the latest BIOS , I flashed the new one and it did not change anything... weird versioning 🤣

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Reply 407 of 756, by matze79

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Are there NT4 OpenGL Drivers for Verite 2100/2200 ?

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Reply 408 of 756, by peklop

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jacco wrote:

Ok nobody have it and pm me nothing .
Now i have a cheap kasan blitz 2200 card from a friend .

Sorry for necro.
Looking at the Blitz 2200 photo here:
What is a second and thirds connector? Is it 3D shutter glasses interface like on older Kasan vga cards?
Or is it only normal TV-out?

Reply 409 of 756, by swaaye

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Rank l33t++
peklop wrote:
Sorry for necro. Looking at the Blitz 2200 photo here: http://www.yjfy.com/Museum/video/Blitz_2200.htm What is a second and thir […]
Show full quote
jacco wrote:

Ok nobody have it and pm me nothing .
Now i have a cheap kasan blitz 2200 card from a friend .

Sorry for necro.
Looking at the Blitz 2200 photo here:
What is a second and thirds connector? Is it 3D shutter glasses interface like on older Kasan vga cards?
Or is it only normal TV-out?

Yes some V2200 cards optionally had 3D shutter glasses support. But I think the above card just has Svideo and composite video.

Reply 410 of 756, by peklop

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Thank You. It is strange one of main shutter glasses producers dropped this feature. Kasan´s older product (S3 and Trident) were with connector for glasses.

Reply 411 of 756, by bergqvistjl

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I've got a problem trying to get Nascar Racing 2 (the Rendition version) running in MS-DOS 6.22, with a QDI Vision 1 card running in tandem with a Voodoo2 SLI config. When running in Windows 98, it works fine, including if I reboot into DOS mode. However in Pure DOS 6.22, the game fails to detect the card, so it doesn't run. Any ideas? Are there Rendition drivers for DOS or something that I need to apply?

Reply 413 of 756, by bergqvistjl

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swaaye wrote:

It's a V2200 card and the game looks for V1000, I guess? There's a utility to patch older Speedy3D games to recognize V2200 cards. It's on VOGONS Drivers .

http://vogonsdrivers.com/getfile.php?fileid=1 … &menustate=17,1

Ahhh yes, I forgot the V1000 detection doesn't work when running in win9x or DOS mode. Funny, I'd always thought it was a native V2x game. Obviously not. Damn it's smooth though. I'd always thought the 3DFX beta offered superior performance, but clearly not... Even with a voodoo2 in SLI (or even a voodoo3 - which ironically has is more reliable in that the textures don't get corrupted occasionally, unlike on the voodoo2) the frame-rate tanks going into some corners...

Reply 414 of 756, by swaaye

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bergqvistjl wrote:

Damn it's smooth though. I'd always thought the 3DFX beta offered superior performance, but clearly not... Even with a voodoo2 in SLI (or even a voodoo3 - which ironically has is more reliable in that the textures don't get corrupted occasionally, unlike on the voodoo2) the frame-rate tanks going into some corners...

That's interesting. Maybe the Glide version didn't get as much optimization.

Reply 415 of 756, by bergqvistjl

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swaaye wrote:
bergqvistjl wrote:

Damn it's smooth though. I'd always thought the 3DFX beta offered superior performance, but clearly not... Even with a voodoo2 in SLI (or even a voodoo3 - which ironically has is more reliable in that the textures don't get corrupted occasionally, unlike on the voodoo2) the frame-rate tanks going into some corners...

That's interesting. Maybe the Glide version didn't get as much optimization.

Well the 3DFX patch was only a beta. It's advantages over the Software & Rendition versions include: Anti-aliasing, fog & ability to take screenshots. However the anti-aliasing function causes a line to appear in the cockpit view whenever its turned on. Also trackside textures like signs etc. are blurred in 3DFX mode, and the frame-rate is still iffy when the on-screen action is busy.

I'm sure somewhere I read that that patch is v1.3, and there's an improved v1.4 beta patch out there somewhere, but I can't be too sure. If I could more easily take screenshots of the rendition version, i'd like to compare the textures on the cars as well between the Rendition & 3DFX versions...

Reply 416 of 756, by bergqvistjl

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Who here is familiar with the "RR.EXE" application (essentially displays an Animated Rendition Logo, then quits) that comes with the Rendition version of at least CART Racing? It puts my monitor into an odd resolution and/or refresh rate. Does anyone know if it's possible to alter this app's resolution/or refresh rate at all?

Secondly - i'm trying to get CART Racing to work properly with my QDI V2200 card. I've installed the rendition version (pure DOS 6.22), and it works straight out of the box even in DMA/FAST mode, without editing any of the batch files - All I had to do was just run v2dosfix first on both the RR and CART executables. HOWEVER, i've still got the screwy mirrors, and i'm just trying to make sense of that old Bjorn's 3D world article. Why is he commenting out the SET SPEEDY3D lines in his batch file? Surely that would turn DMA mode off?

Secondly, does anyone know why we have to run the game first with the original SPD3D.UC file and THEN exit & run it with the fixed version? Why can't it run with the fixed version straight awway?

Reply 417 of 756, by matze79

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Rank l33t

Hm stupid the OpenGL ICD does not work on NT4, and the Driver seems todo only sturdy 2D.

Anyone knows howto enable 3D on NT4 using a Rendition ?

The new chips were designed for Microsoft Windows 9x and NT 4.

So the 2x00 Generation should do 3D on NT4 right ? except D3D.

Does anyone have the Video BIOS for Diamond Multimedia Stealth II S220 which makes the V2100 to V2200 ?

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Reply 419 of 756, by matze79

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glquake still does not work on nt4, damn it.
it seems gl is only supported on 9x ?

so no 3d for my smp pentium 1 system 😒

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