Have many Problems with win10 and USB.
You should not Buy Intenso Sticks or Noname Produkts.
win10 can also make Sticks Defekt.
That you can not delete something from the stick, or copying to the stick. And that you cant formate the stick.
With a Noname HDD Stick from China. 2TB, cant copy example normal MP4 Videos on the stick.
Copy mp4 Videos yes, with Problems that they are not copying after copying they are not on the stick.
When Videos are copying and on the stick,
And when will watching them they can not play.
With a Intenso during copying Musik comes a Problem, with message. And win10 throw the stick out.
All this Problems stand in the Microsoft Forums,
People asking for Help, bud on MS Forums you will get allways wrong Infos.
My sollution is:
Buy a Sandisk Extern SSD, or Sticks from:
Transcent, Kingston, Phillips, Sandisk