I spent the couple of days trying to run fallout 1 on dosbox. i am using the latest raspbian and at first I used the official dosbox. the problem is, no matter what I do, it runs super slow (like 5 minutes to go into the splash screen). This seems to be a known issue in the community when trying to run fallout from rpi, I'm not the first one who is trying to run fallout 1. but running over the posts of other people didn't made it happen, just made me smarter 😉
I download a RetroPie image and install fallout on it. then went to the retropie emulator folder and manually run the dosbox emulator with my fallout 1 game. it worked perfect.......
I decided that I must have this dosbox version on my other image of raspbian, without the RetroPie in it... I had a little clue to the version when I search the conf file, it is named dosbox-svn.conf so I guess this is some custom dosbox SVN version.
does anybody knows what version of dosbox is running on retropie? it seems to be manually compiled, I have no idea how to compile the version on a raspbian image, or even what is this version of dosbox?