Reply 262 of 315, by sharangad

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Rank Oldbie

Once again:
MD5: 85957e3658ac38903256dd9c247f775d

Delete all previous redline.dll and verite.dll and R1dline.dll and V1rite.dll files in the Formula 1 foplder.

Copy the new Redline and verite dll and the Formula 1 microcode into the Formula 1 folder. The Rendition driver redline.dll and verite.dll files should be in the system32 folder.

This version forcibly loads the microcode from the F1 redline drivers. My investigation into DOS/Speedy3D support now indicates the microcode decides what low level signals (via interrupt flags) get sent back to the apps for Speedy3D and RRedline 2.0 for Formula 1. RReady deals with a lot of different games as a special cases so the microcode probably doesn't affect it. These signals can cause the Verite chip to stall.

Logging is enabled, sorry.

Developer of RReady - Rendition Verité Wrapper.

Reply 263 of 315, by sharangad

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BTW @Chucky, you were absolutely right, microcode plays an outsized role in this thing. It's going to complicate Speedy3D support for RReady.

Developer of RReady - Rendition Verité Wrapper.

Reply 264 of 315, by RaVeN-05

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Rank Oldbie

microcode , especially in dos a spd3d.uc its like glide2x.ovl for 3dfx i think? the right microcode can show graphics glitchless?
there is somewhere i saw full collection of those *.uc files.
And i still believe that with right UC microcode games like Descent II , Scorched Planet can be played without magenta/pink tint on v2000.
And other dos games.

As for Formula 1, now it closes instantly after black little window blink once, once i ran, 1 frame.

10:51:13.880 Redline loaded system\redline.DLL library
10:51:13.880 Redline.dll local verite path G:\PROGRAM FILES\FORMULA13\Verite.dll
10:51:13.880 Redline.dll successfully load system\Verite.dll library
10:51:13.880 No IndirectSRC
10:51:13.880 VL_OpenVerite_
10:51:13.880 V_EnumVeriteBoards
10:51:13.880 Callng base function
10:51:13.880 V_CreateVerite
10:51:13.880 DllMain Process Detach
2024/03/10 10:51:13.880 Started logging

Forced refresh rate is 60
(local) Redline.DLL G:\PROGRAM FILES\FORMULA13\redline.dll
Successfully loaded library (local) Redline.DLL
Successfully loaded all library functions (Verite.DLL)Loaded system\Verite.dll library


Reply 265 of 315, by sharangad

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Rank Oldbie
RaVeN-05 wrote on 2024-03-12, 09:12:
microcode , especially in dos a spd3d.uc its like glide2x.ovl for 3dfx i think? the right microcode can show graphics glitchless […]
Show full quote

microcode , especially in dos a spd3d.uc its like glide2x.ovl for 3dfx i think? the right microcode can show graphics glitchless?
there is somewhere i saw full collection of those *.uc files.
And i still believe that with right UC microcode games like Descent II , Scorched Planet can be played without magenta/pink tint on v2000.
And other dos games.

As for Formula 1, now it closes instantly after black little window blink once, once i ran, 1 frame.

You're right. The microcode can control what signals are sent back to the CPU. Not just that, it can modify VRAM, registers perform compute ops and has a full set of branching instructions. Among it's best features are locking up, if the uc writer's careless.

There're two different levels of microcode V1000 and V2000. A V2000 chip can run V1000 microcode if it's switched over to "V1000 compatibility" mode. Don't know how to do that yet.

Some V1000 instructions used for updating state are illegal on the V2000. I *think* the V2000 automatically updates these registers and doesn't need manual writes during rendering (some ops lock certain actions for a number of cycles. Not all instructions, just some).

I don't get why RRedline 2.0 chcoked on RRedline 1.0 uc. The drivers should be able to switch to V1000 mode somehow. Might be the wrapper.

Developer of RReady - Rendition Verité Wrapper.

Reply 266 of 315, by sharangad

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Rank Oldbie

And now this:
MD5: 4837db47e682e08f04322d34c62353c7

The docs for:

v_error V_CreateVerite(v_u32 board, HWND hwnd, v_handle *pvhandle,
char *microcodefile)
board	Number of Vérité board to use
hwnd Window handle of the application
pvhandle Pointer to Vérité handle to be initialized
microcodefile Name of Vérité microcode file to load

say microcodefile isn't a path, but a name. I was passing a path. So this time around I'm passing the just the filename and not the path.

Developer of RReady - Rendition Verité Wrapper.

Reply 267 of 315, by sharangad

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Rank Oldbie

It's possible it'll look for the microcode in system32. If this doesn't work, I'll get you a different build using a different microcode file (with a different name) , which you'll have to bung in the system32 folder, but not in this build.

Developer of RReady - Rendition Verité Wrapper.

Reply 269 of 315, by sharangad

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Rank Oldbie

One more, different microcode file (V10003D.UC). I think I got the WInspd3d.uc. I think this is what's needed:
MD5: 0de26691589cc516ef4c2f2b7fe9f028

I think this is the UC file used by the V1000 for 3D. There also V10002D and V1000GL (OpenGL perhaps?).

[EDIT] I just hope it's not a Direct3D file.

Developer of RReady - Rendition Verité Wrapper.

Reply 271 of 315, by sharangad

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Rank Oldbie


It's painful watching slow mo videos. It must be worse for you actualy trying this stuff out.

[EDIT] Well done, all your testing has paid off or will soon. But I must admit feeling stupid. Chucky was going on about the firmware and I should've really tried this before. This is much simpler, if it works, than all the other stuff I tried.[/EDIT[

MD5: 9b56a9aa10b410ce7f976104a3e7be21

This uses the V20003D.UC file. If it doesn't find it, just copy it from system32 and pasted it into the Formula 1 folder. I think it just needed the UC file to be specified.

Logging has been disabled, mostly. It can be sped up in other ways. There're a lot of unnecessary checks in there.

Developer of RReady - Rendition Verité Wrapper.

Reply 272 of 315, by RaVeN-05

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Rank Oldbie
13:48:36.960 Redline loaded system\redline.DLL library
13:48:37.010 Redline.dll local verite path G:\PROGRAM FILES\FORMULA13\Verite.dll
13:48:37.010 Redline.dll successfully load system\Verite.dll library
13:48:37.010 No IndirectSRC
13:48:37.010 V20003D.UC

regress, no 3d scene


Reply 273 of 315, by sharangad

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Rank Oldbie
RaVeN-05 wrote on 2024-03-12, 12:07:
regress, no 3d scene https://fex.net/s/5tnxdre […]
Show full quote
13:48:36.960 Redline loaded system\redline.DLL library
13:48:37.010 Redline.dll local verite path G:\PROGRAM FILES\FORMULA13\Verite.dll
13:48:37.010 Redline.dll successfully load system\Verite.dll library
13:48:37.010 No IndirectSRC
13:48:37.010 V20003D.UC

regress, no 3d scene

Try copying V20003D.UC from system32 to the formula 1 folder.

Developer of RReady - Rendition Verité Wrapper.

Reply 276 of 315, by RaVeN-05

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Rank Oldbie

i found and placed v20003d.uc does nothing. same results

with v1000 debugless version oh wow.
YOU Genie)
its success!!!

14:12:13.870 Redline loaded system\redline.DLL library
14:12:13.870 Redline.dll local verite path G:\PROGRAM FILES\FORMULA13\Verite.dll
14:12:13.870 Redline.dll successfully load system\Verite.dll library
14:12:13.870 No IndirectSRC
14:12:13.930 V10003D.UC

video https://fex.net/s/vfzof6z

the demo ends and menu works, the next demo loaded also, works.

EDIT: your v20003d.uc different to what i have


Reply 277 of 315, by sharangad

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Rank Oldbie

A bigger whohoo!

Well done.

I think that's from the hercules thriller 3D.

[edit] v10003d. Ucis s from F1 drivers.

Developer of RReady - Rendition Verité Wrapper.

Reply 278 of 315, by sharangad

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Rank Oldbie

I'll clean up the code and remove unnecessary bits and publish the source, maybe on sourceforge.

The cleanup should make it a teeny weeny bit faster.

Developer of RReady - Rendition Verité Wrapper.

Reply 279 of 315, by sharangad

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Rank Oldbie
sharangad wrote on 2024-03-12, 13:06:

I'll clean up the code and remove unnecessary bits and publish the source, maybe on sourceforge.

The cleanup should make it a teeny weeny bit faster.


Developer of RReady - Rendition Verité Wrapper.