Reply 20 of 20, by gamefan_851
Gmlb256 wrote on 2023-06-19, 16:14:If you're already looking for a GeForce card, the Voodoo5 isn't worth it. Better find a Voodoo2 card as a companion instead if Glide compatibility is wanted, the downside is that it requires a VGA passthrough cable but for me that isn't a big deal.
Yes a Voodoo 2 is also very good card definitely worth considering. As long as these cables are not hard to find I would not mind having passtrhough cable.
i also have to admit that a Voodoo 5 is just would be cool to have item without any real world relevance. I am sure it is decent card for it'stime but it is not the ultmative card hat is way better than the competion. Or at least I do not think it is. The T-Buffer mode that was exlusive to the 3dfx card sounds interesting on paper but I am not sure if really has some real word relevance.
For glide gaming the good old Voodoo 2 is also very good choice and that's all i need to the Voodoo for. For direct 3d and open gli gaming I could just use gf 2/3/4.