Windows 98SE Update Recommendations

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Reply 20 of 28, by Justin1091

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xcomcmdr wrote on 2021-06-24, 13:17:
Thank you for offering a fix to a problem I 've had for years ! :) […]
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Jorpho wrote on 2020-07-20, 16:56:

It should be emphasized that, as noted above, IE6 has a notorious bug that causes Explorer to hang even during ordinary local file operations that have nothing to do with the Internet. There are fixes, of course.
https://msfn.org/board/topic/84451-98-fe-98-s … shell32dll-fix/

Thank you for offering a fix to a problem I 've had for years ! 😀

As for updates, I only install :
IE6 or IE 5.5 SP2
Windows Installer 2.0
.NET Framework 2.0, which requires both of the above (the ANSI version, of course)

When the Windows Update website was up, I would install ALL of them. Sadly, now they are only available in English online. And just like Unnoficial Service Packs, they break the French localization of my Windows 98SE install...

If you have a windowsupdate.log file from a PC that downloaded them when it was still online you can still download them from Microsoft. That's how I got Dutch updates after v4.windowsupdate.microsoft.com shut down. Just copy paste the URLS in IE and you can download the updates. I just tried one download and it still works.

Also why not install the IDE shutdown fix? If you don't you get the scandisk every time you reboot. It's the first update I install.

Reply 21 of 28, by xcomcmdr

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Thanks for the tip, but I lost the logs a long time ago. Maybe I could reconstruct the URL from the Dutch ones ?

I don't have the problem with the IDE. But indeed, I was installing it at the time everytime. Now that I read about it again.... I feel old. 😁

Reply 22 of 28, by Justin1091

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xcomcmdr wrote on 2021-06-27, 06:43:

Thanks for the tip, but I lost the logs a long time ago. Maybe I could reconstruct the URL from the Dutch ones ?

I don't have the problem with the IDE. But indeed, I was installing it at the time everytime. Now that I read about it again.... I feel old. 😁

I gave it a try but putting FR instead of NLD doesn't work.
If you want to try, here is one example (I'm wondering when they will delete all of this):

http://download.windowsupdate.com/msdownload/ … fced92de4c5.EXE

Reply 23 of 28, by maxtherabbit

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Justin1091 wrote on 2021-06-26, 22:43:

Also why not install the IDE shutdown fix? If you don't you get the scandisk every time you reboot. It's the first update I install.

Can you give a KB number or explain more about this update please?

Reply 24 of 28, by Warlord

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There are actually several different shutdown fixes and each of them address different issues. The shutdown issue described here doesn't require a patch at all. That one is caused by the system shutting down too fast and you can use msconfig to disable Fast Shutdown option. You can also you tweak UI prevent scandisk from ever poping up however that doesn't solve the problem.

This page here attempts to explain various shutdown problems. http://www.oocities.org/~budallen/windows_98_shutdown.html

Theres also shutdown fix for nvidia driver 81.xx I am not sure that is official or not.

Point being only install some update if you have a problem. A lot of the official updates are also to cure very specific problems that don't happen on all configurations. So in some cases installing them is not only pointless but could slow your computer down or cause a problem that you never had to begin with.

There are a few updates like TCPIP Stack 1.4 that actually increase performance for networking, however updates that actually make 98se faster are far and few between.

There are very few security updates and on that note they are all pointless, becasue you can't secure the OS. But beside the point anymalware or virus that exist in 2021 would probably refuse to run anyways. Use a good firewall with NAT.

Reply 25 of 28, by britain4

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I've gone through quite a few systems now using 98lite with 98SE and can second this recommendation, I just use the Sleek shell as standard on everything now. Tried it with ME the other day out of curiosity and it worked really well there too.

- 486DX2-66, SoundBlaster 16, Crystal VLB graphics
- P-MMX 200MHZ, PCChips M598LMR, Voodoo 1, AD1816
- PIII 933MHz, MSI MS6119, Voodoo3 3000, SB Live!
- PIII 1400MHz, ECS P6IPAT, Voodoo5 5500, SB Audigy

Reply 27 of 28, by Justin1091

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AndresX wrote on 2021-07-24, 22:23:
Justin1091 wrote on 2021-06-27, 22:53:

If you want to try, here is one example (I'm wondering when they will delete all of this):

http://download.windowsupdate.com/msdownload/ … fced92de4c5.EXE

Justin1091, would you happen to have more of the NL/NLD links? If so, would you be willing to share?

I have downloaded them on my hard drive, but it exceeds the maximum file size allowed here. It's 53,5 MB.

Reply 28 of 28, by AndresX

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Justin1091 wrote on 2021-07-24, 22:40:
AndresX wrote on 2021-07-24, 22:23:
Justin1091 wrote on 2021-06-27, 22:53:

If you want to try, here is one example (I'm wondering when they will delete all of this):

http://download.windowsupdate.com/msdownload/ … fced92de4c5.EXE

Justin1091, would you happen to have more of the NL/NLD links? If so, would you be willing to share?

I have downloaded them on my hard drive, but it exceeds the maximum file size allowed here. It's 53,5 MB.

Do you have just the links or even just the file names with the letters and numbers after the underscore (there could be some without an underscore)?

If they're in a folder, you could get a command prompt in the folder and run 'dir /b > list.txt'.