Reply 20 of 29, by Horun
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- l33t++
wrote:wrote:I always thought "period-correctness" means more "mainstream during that period" than "elite latest model but could be bought if you're a millionaire"
I feel the opposite of that
period correct to me simply means that the components existed at that moment in time
I agree but amend "existed" that to "being made" at that moment in time.
The manufacture dates on parts is more important to fit the year as than if it was the top of the line and just released that year but the part you have is made 2 years later IMHO. If you want a true period correct then it should have parts from that same year. Much like when restoring an old car or pickup you use parts from that same year when at all possible.
Hate posting a reply and then have to edit it because it made no sense 😁 First computer was an IBM 3270 workstation with CGA monitor. Stuff: