To my own shame, here's my setup. This is what it looks like when you actually do work in a office 🤣 (totally not just making excuses for my lack of motivation to clean)
IBM XT, Original 10MB HDD with the original installation of DOS, a Hercules graphics adapter, Ungermann Bass Ethernet card, and 5151 monitor.
Amiga 2000HD, 68030? accelerator card, Video Toaster 4000, PC XT bridge card.

Newly built 286 machine, 12 MHZ, 1 MB of RAM, IBM CGA adapter, MediaVision Pro Audio Spectrum 16, Intel Etherlink 16, and 1.2 GB HDD.
Commodore 1084, main display, and commodore 1801 used for video toaster editing.
On the right I have the HP 16702a and 16500b logic analysis systems, used for debugging nonfunctional motherboards.

Windows XP machine, core 2 duo, 3 GB RAM and a crap ton of HDDs. It's my archive machine.

HP 1741A Analog Storage scope, tek CFG253 func gen, HP 1600a and 1607a logic analyzers, and HP 3760A serial data generator. All used for debugging temperamental old electronics.

now that I see this in pictures, need to clean it up. Maybe I'll post an after picture once It's spotless. That might take a few years, though. Once I get finished building my new lab this place will be a lot cleaner.
"And remember, this fix is only temporary, unless it works." -Red Green