You don't need to edit CMakeLists.txt in this case. This is only a matter of setting a configuration property. I listed 3 common ways of doing so in the README.txt, btw 😉
Nether am I 😀 But this looks totally correct. Best to always start with an empty cache if unsure.
However, I think it'd be a saner default behaviour to fall back to search for Qt4 in case Qt5 is unavailable.
Well, one thing is weird to me: why there is no Qt5? Perhaps, we should better figure the naming of Qt5Widgets and Qt5Multimedia dev packages instead. Qt4 seems to be completely unsupported for over 2 years, and Qt5 does provide a few tasty features I plan to use further on... Since this is a Debian based distro, I'd expect these packages to exist: qtbase5-dev and qtmultimedia5-dev. They seem to have proper binary packages as dependencies (libqt5widgets5 and libqt5multimedia5). Though, these well may have some screwed names 🙁