First post, by Deksor

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Rank l33t


I tried to run RE-Volt on my SLI rig, the game is running well, but the problem is that it randomly crashes. It can happen anywhere : in menus, during tracks, at the end of a track ... and this is very very annoying.

My configuration is :
Celeron 300A overclocked at 450MHz (stable overclock)
128MB of ram
2 voodoo 2 12MB (one is from creative and the other is from metabyte. Even though it is a mismatched SLI this should'nt have any problems because the metabyte was MADE to be in mismatched SLI)
A riva TNT2 M64 for the main GPU

I installed the 1.2 patch in order to have a bit more stability (the main menu crashed the entire computer when the resolution was set to 1024*768). The launcher is launched with 4 arguments : "-useallcpu -nointro -dev -sli"
Also, I'm running the game with daemon tools. Do you think that this could cause any problems ?

EDIT : I just reinstalled the game and used the 1.1 official patch, and I have the exact same problem ...

Last edited by Deksor on 2016-08-25, 14:43. Edited 2 times in total.

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Reply 2 of 4, by Deksor

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Rank l33t

Nope, the game hangs too ... this is even worse because before using rvgl, the game just crashed, but I could close it whereas now the whole computer is stuck and then I have to restart ...

Trying to identify old hardware ? Visit The retro web - Project's thread The Retro Web project - a stason.org/TH99 alternative

Reply 3 of 4, by archsan

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Rank Oldbie

Before proceeding to game issues, you have a few assumptions that needed to be challenged/tested there:

1) "stable overclock" (I know, it's the legendary Celeron 300A etc...)
2) "mismatched SLI that shouldn't have any problems" etc

So you know what the first steps to do -- eliminate those assumptions/factors:
1) Run @ stock speeds
2) Run with a single V2
3) Run with the TNT2

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."—Arthur C. Clarke
"No way. Installing the drivers on these things always gives me a headache."—Guybrush Threepwood (on cutting-edge voodoo technology)

Reply 4 of 4, by Deksor

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Rank l33t

Well I tried many games before and I didn't have any problems.

But when I tried to install and play another game (Age of empires 2) wich I know to be rock stable (It was stable even on our old celeron 633 wich was very unstable 10 years ago due to bad caps) that crashed when I wanted to play. So It seems that my overclock wasn't as stable as I thought 😒. At 374 MHz it is fine, but even with 2.2V vcore at 450MHz the CPU isn't stable with RE-volt. Those two games must over use something in the cpu that other games don't and so both crashed randomly.

But like I said I never have had any issues before (I think that I have this CPU over 2 month now, and the computer is turned on almost every day and sometimes for many hours) but on this game that I tried 1-2 days ago. So it seems that I have a "bad" celeron 😢

Anyways this is now solved, I should not have had so many certainties with that overclock 😒

Trying to identify old hardware ? Visit The retro web - Project's thread The Retro Web project - a stason.org/TH99 alternative