First post, by Necrodude

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Hello everyone!

A while ago a friend of mine ( @pa1983 ) found a neat little SMP patch for Quake3. It is a couple of dll:s and a ini file.
This patch actually works, compared to the Quake3 inbuilt command. "seta r_smp 1"

The scaling is awesome on faster systems! It really works. On my old slower dual P2 it gave me a nice FPS bump. But hey. It is better then nothing.
The thing is,I noticed that this dll file also works for other games then Quake3.
So far I have got it running on Half-life and Quake2.

I have tested these files on a dual pentium II 333mhz computer with 66 bus speed. The gpu I used was a TNT2 Pro.

In quake2 I got a boost from 68 to 76 frames per second, and in Half-life I got a boost from 60 to 76 frames per second.
Pa1983 did almost get twice the fps on his dual P3 coppermine setup.

I have put together 3 rar files.
The one for quake2 is just drag and drop. It contains the mtgl32.dll file and a autexec.cfg that forces the game to use mtgl32 as the opengl renderer.
The second file is the original file for quake3. It contains the files and installation instructions.
The last one for half life i also drag and drop. But you need to start the game and go to the video settings and change the openGL driver to mtgl32.

Feel free to try it out

Last edited by Necrodude on 2023-04-09, 19:01. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 1 of 19, by maxtherabbit

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holy shit that's awesome

Reply 2 of 19, by Necrodude

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Here is the archived web page where we found the files:

https://web.archive.org/web/20050320015611/ht … 1.html#Download

He has also made renderers for Unreal tournament.

https://web.archive.org/web/20080913112856/ht … ring.com/utglr/

i have tried his UT renderer on my K6-3+ 400@616mhz. Good stuff. it gave me about 15 extra frames per second.

Reply 3 of 19, by PD2JK

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Definitely gonna try this on the BP6. I'm curious.

i386 16 ⇒ i486 DX4 100 ⇒ Pentium MMX 200 ⇒ Athlon Orion 700 | TB 1000 ⇒ AthlonXP 1700+ ⇒ Opteron 165 ⇒ Dual Opteron 856

Reply 4 of 19, by Necrodude

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Awesome! Please do some timedemos. With and without mtgl32.

Both quake3 and quake2 has built in timedemos. But half life does not.
So you have to find a demo, or record one of your own. OR. You can use the command \timerfresh
Thats what I did. I started a multiplayer map. I used the datacore map. Then i place myself with my back against a corner and my aim at a healtdispenser.
Then pulled down the console and typed \timerefresh.
What happens next is that you will do a 360 degree turn and you will get a framecount. I usually does this at least four or five times, just to see what kind of FPS:s I getl.
Then I swapped the gl driver to MTGL32 and did the same thing. I got a 16 fps increase with the MTGL32

Last edited by Necrodude on 2023-04-10, 09:51. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 5 of 19, by maxtherabbit

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I got the quake 2 patch to work with my 3dfx by editing the ini to change the dll name from "3dfxvgl.dll" to "3dfxgl.dll"

This got me from 48 to 50fps on a dual pentium pro 233 system with a voodoo3 in 1280x960, demo1.dm2.

However the same trick did not work with half life, still complains the dll cannot be found

Reply 6 of 19, by Necrodude

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Awesome that it worked for you 😀. To bad that mtgl32 needs more cpu power.

It is really cool that you can use mtgl32 with Voodoo2 and voodoo3 cards. This patch is written for Quake3. Quake3 has SMP support out of the box. But it works bad, and it does not work with
3DFX. So this mtgl32 file is a game chsnger 😀

Did you try it with regular openGL?
I know that 3dfxgl.dll is faster then openGl.dll, but it is still interesting to se what you get.
I got a 8 fps boost in quake2 with my TNT2 with openGL, on my dual P2 333mhz

Reply 7 of 19, by Pierre32

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This is a neat find! Nice work.

Reply 8 of 19, by RaverX

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"seta r_smp 1" always worked, but it was misundserstood. It was meant for Quake hosting servers, not for the client (the player).

Reply 9 of 19, by bofh.fromhell

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RaverX wrote on 2023-04-11, 09:42:

"seta r_smp 1" always worked, but it was misundserstood. It was meant for Quake hosting servers, not for the client (the player).

Can give a nice fps boost tho.
Up to 30% in my own benches.

Reply 10 of 19, by Necrodude

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bofh.fromhell wrote on 2023-04-13, 00:21:
RaverX wrote on 2023-04-11, 09:42:

"seta r_smp 1" always worked, but it was misundserstood. It was meant for Quake hosting servers, not for the client (the player).

Can give a nice fps boost tho.
Up to 30% in my own benches.

It sure can.

The thing is that mtgl32 can give a much bigger boost. And it can run with 3dfx cards.

And it can work with other games.

Reply 12 of 19, by Necrodude

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A small update.
I mtgl32 also works on Star Trek Voyager Elite Force and Doom3.
I have not come around to benchmark the games yet. But I can change the GL drivers to mtgl32. It kinda sucks to benchmark doom3 on a dual P2 333mhz computer.

Reply 13 of 19, by greasemonkey90s

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Heck yea will try with my athlon mp system. As soon as i get it running again.

Reply 14 of 19, by Necrodude

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greasemonkey90s wrote on 2023-04-20, 19:07:

Heck yea will try with my athlon mp system. As soon as i get it running again.

Awesome! I am very curious to see the results.

It would be nice if the people here could come up with some suggestions on games that we could try the MTgl32.dll on.
I know that a lot of the games that uses the Quake3 engine will work. The same thing with the Quake2 engine.

So games like Sin, Kingpin, Blood2, soldier of fortune are on my to do list.

Reply 15 of 19, by Warlord

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will it work with call of duty? aka id Tech 3 with ÜberTools.

Reply 16 of 19, by Necrodude

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Warlord wrote on 2023-04-26, 06:54:

will it work with call of duty? aka id Tech 3 with ÜberTools.

sorry. But no. We tried, but COD has no commands for changing the gl driver.

Reply 17 of 19, by Warlord

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I might try Return to Castle Wolfenstein. As great of a thing this is its unfortunate that there are not more id tech 3 games, and more demanding games like COD is somthing like this could benifit from dont work.

Reply 18 of 19, by Necrodude

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Warlord wrote on 2023-04-27, 04:13:

I might try Return to Castle Wolfenstein. As great of a thing this is its unfortunate that there are not more id tech 3 games, and more demanding games like COD is somthing like this could benifit from dont work.

Please do! 😀

Remember this patch seems to work on games that uses openGl. I have got it to work on both half life and Quake2, and Doom3.
All we need is a way to change the openGL driver. All I did was using console commands.

There must be plenty of more games that could use this patch.

Reply 19 of 19, by chrismeyer6

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This is awesome. Hopefully come fall I'll have time to get my dual p3 build back together and try this out.