Reply 60 of 93, by Benedikt

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Rank Oldbie

A little status update:

The attachment LPT_DACs_status_update.jpg is no longer available

I have reached the conclusion that it wouldn't make much sense to package DIY kits for the Covox Speech Thing and FTL Sound Adapter replicas.
There's so little in there that it would almost cost more time and money to safely package the individual components and ship them in a box than to assemble the unit and to put it in an envelope.

As you can see, the devices are already ~80% assembled and they are arranged on a test print for the labels.
The heart is still missing, though: I don't have the R-2R resistor networks, yet, but they should arrive here within the next couple of days.

Reply 61 of 93, by Benedikt

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Rank Oldbie

Some more components have arrived. This is one of the resistor networks:

The attachment 4310R-R2R-104LF.jpg is no longer available

And when it comes to Covox Speech Thing replicas, I think this is about as close to the real thing as we can get:

The attachment speech_thing_replica_open.jpg is no longer available
The attachment speech_thing_replica_open_front.jpg is no longer available
The attachment speech_thing_replica_open_back.jpg is no longer available

Reply 62 of 93, by Paralel

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Rank Member

Looks awesome to me.

Reply 63 of 93, by Benedikt

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Rank Oldbie

Finally done!

The attachment FTL_Sound_Adapter_replicas.jpg is no longer available
The attachment Speech_Thing_replicas.jpg is no longer available

Challenge for the reader: Try to get closer to the real thing!

Reply 64 of 93, by Jo22

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Rank l33t++

That's awesome! 😁

Just one thought - What about adding an optional capacitor ?
The original Speech Thing had one as a low-pass filter inside the external speaker, if memory serves.

Or maybe it's just enough to include a small note in the package,
which says which filter circuit and specs (cone diameter, impedance etc.) the Covox speaker box had ?

Anyway, these are just my two cents and are in no way badmouthing this replica. 😊
Just mentioned it, so 99% replication of the Covox sound can be enjoyed by someone.

"Time, it seems, doesn't flow. For some it's fast, for some it's slow.
In what to one race is no time at all, another race can rise and fall..." - The Minstrel

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Reply 66 of 93, by Benedikt

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Rank Oldbie
Jo22 wrote:

Just one thought - What about adding an optional capacitor ?
The original Speech Thing had one as a low-pass filter inside the external speaker, if memory serves.

If you scroll up you can see that there's a footprint for a filter capacitor on the PCB. Populating it with a 4.7nF capacitor makes the audio output electrically identical to the FTL Sound Adapter.

keropi wrote:

oh these look great!
is there a price set yet?

1) Thanks! 2) Let's make one!
I'd say that, since there's still a difference between a hobbyist project and self exploitation, that'll be around €10 per device, plus shipping.
That's admittedly clearly above the BOM cost, but at the same time clearly below e.g. the €22 for a CVX4.
You'd basically be paying for components, component shipping, soldering, cutting notches into case shells, assembly, labeling and testing, i.e. the device itself, while I'd consider the development process a spare time activity.

Speaking of which... I still have to test them all.

Reply 69 of 93, by Paralel

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Rank Member

The next up is the Sound Jr. replica?

Reply 70 of 93, by root42

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Rank l33t

I shouldn't, but I think I'll bite. If there is still enough available: I'll take one.

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Reply 71 of 93, by dreamblaster

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Rank Oldbie

that looks so nice !
I'd love one !

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Thanks for your support !

Reply 72 of 93, by Benedikt

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hard1k wrote:

Put me on the list 😀

Awesome! ... Which list?

Paralel wrote:

The next up is the Sound Jr. replica?

Yes, but only as DIY kit. Pre-assembling them would take way too much time, especially with my equipment.
I still have to solder a prototype, though.
But I'll wait for more favorable weather. For the past couple of days I haven't wanted a soldering iron anywhere near me.

root42 wrote:

I shouldn't, but I think I'll bite. If there is still enough available: I'll take one.

Which one?

dreamblaster wrote:

that looks so nice !
I'd love one !

See above.

I still haven't found the time to test all the devices, but we'll get there.

Reply 73 of 93, by obaltus

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Rank Newbie


If there are still some available, I'd be glad to buy one of each.

Thank you

Reply 74 of 93, by Benedikt

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Rank Oldbie
obaltus wrote:


If there are still some available, I'd be glad to buy one of each.

Thank you

There are and we can surely arrange for that. (e.g via PM)

But I've got news, as well: After roughly one hour of soldering, here comes the first SoundJr replica:

This is the finished product:

The attachment SoundJr_replica_with_case.jpg is no longer available

And this is what's hiding inside:

The attachment SoundJr_replica_without_case.jpg is no longer available

There's been some component substitution that I described earlier in this thread.

The attachment SoundJr_replica_front.jpg is no longer available

The two 1nF filter capacitors are pure guesswork.

The attachment SoundJr_replica_back.jpg is no longer available

I put the word "replica" and the year on the PCB so that no one can mistake it for the real thing.

The attachment SoundJr_replica_PCB_text.jpg is no longer available

So far, I've been able to get sound by using it as a generic LPT DAC, the volume adjustment, however, remains untested.

Reply 75 of 93, by Benedikt

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Rank Oldbie

I haven't found terribly much time for this, lately, but here's a little update:

The files for the SoundJr replica have been on github for the past couple of weeks.

There's one problem, though: Dungeon Master does not recognize the FTL-style adapter, which means that either the detection routine is buggy or the series resistors for additional short circuit protection are to big.
I have a feeling that it might be the latter. While that would not be a catastrophe it would certainly be annoying, because I'd have to swap them (and find the time for that).

Other than that, I'm still looking for a way to create high quality recordings of the output.

Reply 76 of 93, by Paralel

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Rank Member

Interesting that it didn't detect it. I would imagine you are correct regarding the short protection.

Reply 77 of 93, by Benedikt

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Rank Oldbie

I found a solution and I found a problem.

When I put a 390Ω resistor between pin 12 and 17 of the pass-through port of a Speech Thing replica, Dungeon Master will detect it as FTL Sound Adapter. Let's play it safe and use 220Ω for the replacement resistor packs in my FTL Sound Adapter replicas. (They currently use 2.2kΩ resistor packs.)

So that's the solution. There is a problem with the Speech Thing replicas, though.
I have been testing them with active speaker boxes that are not labeled as left or right and kept wondering why they do not produce any sound when I switch them from stereo to mono mode.
It looks like the cables I used for the Speech Thing replicas are of the kind where red means left and white means right. 😵

Reply 78 of 93, by matze79

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Rank l33t

Yeah i also applied this Patch but we simply run a wire to use Dungeon Master.
Its very interesting it sounds exactly the same as DSS.

And there is a complicated detection routine for dss.. 😉

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Reply 79 of 93, by Benedikt

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Rank Oldbie

The Speech Things are now wired up correctly with the signal on the tip of the plug and ground on the sleeve. The ring is not connected.