Is it possible for the emulated cursor in stretched mode to update independent of the game's framerate/screen draws?
In Jedi Knight in particular, the menu only redraws if something changes (e.g. another menu option is moused over) so the cursor in the stretched mode only updates during then, effectively meaning you don't see the cursor move.
I understand if it can't be done, it's just that Jedi Knight is one of those games that could really use the stretched modes to avoid the resolution changing every time the menu is opened, and the stretched mode works fine save for that issue
I also noticed that Steam recently updated the game, and whatever it did uses some kind of alternate method for drawing the menu screens, one which DgVoodoo doesn't emulate. (meaning scaling, windowed modes, resolution forcing, watermark, etc don't have any effect until getting into a level) I can upload the exe if you want to take a look at it (I don't think it requires Steam running)
Even more of a longshot, do you think there will ever be a custom framerate cap option? Perhaps specifying an FPS for Vsync? Reason is Jedi Knight's optimal fps is 47, anything higher causes the game to cap itself to 30fps. I can use a modified Aqrit's ddwrapper which loads DgVoodoo's ddraw to do the same effect, but it would be nice to have it all in one place.
teleguy wrote:Found a problem with Jedi Knight and v2.51. When you untick "Disable Alt-Enter" the game will either crash immediately you press Esc to go from 3D mode to the menu or it will crash when you press Esc after using Alt-Enter.
This seems to happen with or without the -"windowgui" switch.
v2.45 still works fine. I didn't test 2.5.
I find the "Backbuffer in system memory" option in Jedi Knight tends to cause crashes going to the Esc menu and back, try turning it off