New version of DOSBox idea

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Reply 20 of 29, by DIGI_Byte

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gus emulation?

I see a QLAUNCH.EXE, It closes after launch, I know this is the file i need to play it normally, else I run QUAKE.EXE or Q95.bat in DosBox but audio is then disabled.

Reply 21 of 29, by Qbix

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in dosbox type gus=false before quake.exe

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Reply 22 of 29, by valnar

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DIGI_Byte wrote:

I agree With Zach, Why not implement the best Front end and have it install with DosBox?
I setup up DosBox through my windows tool bar, If I knew how, I'd set it up in the shell menu, under a sub menu.

Unfortunately most people aren't computer smart, Most people don't even know how to view files extensions in windows let alone open a file with another application

This is a DOS emulator for games. People who use this should be familiar with DOS, the command line, and computers in general. You can't help people that don't know the subject of the emulator.

Just like I would expect people to know Cisco when playing with the Cisco emulators.

Sorry DIGI, but I disagree with you on this one. I personally don't use any front ends, nor would I want one on DOSBox.

Reply 23 of 29, by Zachariah

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DIGI_Byte wrote:

I agree With Zach, Why not implement the best Front end and have it install with DosBox?
I setup up DosBox through my windows tool bar, If I knew how, I'd set it up in the shell menu, under a sub menu.

I never said implement a fontend in dosbox, i said promote the usage of a front end, possible by updating the wiki with a little more information on the frontends and some newbie help on where to get started. And link users to there from the download page ofcourse, once the wiki has received some quality.

The http://frontends.dosbox.com/ looks nice, but would need some more info. I might as well try to edit it, if i find time. As i only got experience with the old d-fend and DBGL.

Reply 24 of 29, by OSH

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Very funny topic 😀 DOSBOX force to learn, how DOS works, which parameters should be set to play a game. This is very beneficial for people, which can use only Windows, and now want to play DOS games. Now it's time to learn, and this is very good, because knowledge is power 😀
I don't use front-ends (except Norton Commander 😁). I hope, DOSBOX project will be continued, and will be better and better. But I have one question: when will be next version of DOSBOX released ? I know, "when it's done", but approximately ? This year? Next year ? More later ?

Reply 25 of 29, by Qbix

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first quarter of next year I think.

Water flows down the stream
How to ask questions the smart way!

Reply 26 of 29, by dh4rm4

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DIGI_Byte wrote:

gus emulation?

I see a QLAUNCH.EXE, It closes after launch, I know this is the file i need to play it normally, else I run QUAKE.EXE or Q95.bat in DosBox but audio is then disabled.

The readme file exists for a reason. As does the wiki and the numerous posts on Quake (and many other games) already listed in this forum. Stop pirating games and being such a romzomgwtfbbqnub. DOSBox isn't the problem, but you might be the solution.

Reply 27 of 29, by willx

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now dosbox can working good on my hand set (moto a1200).I hope it can support touch screen and 320x240 better.the combiled file download from http://bbs.imobile.com.cn/thread-tid-3450901.html
but this ver cannot run heroes-of-might-and-magic2 because touchscreen not fit mouse(only happen in this game).I estimate that the game rewrite int10.

Reply 28 of 29, by willx

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I hope next ver of dosbox can suport debuging the game.I have try several debuger,but they dosnt work under dosbox.