DOSBox Game Launcher (DOSBox Frontend)

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Reply 1780 of 2099, by Neville

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Rank Oldbie

Is there more people affected by this bug?

Reply 1781 of 2099, by rcblanke

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Rank Oldbie

You're the only one as of yet, but then again, you may also be one of the very few users actually trying out the beta builds 😜

Reply 1782 of 2099, by RedTony

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Rank Newbie
rcblanke wrote on 2022-04-28, 19:31:

You're the only one as of yet, but then again, you may also be one of the very few users actually trying out the beta builds 😜

Well to be honest, the need of installing a full jdk 11 pulled me back (as mentioned I have DBGL installed in a Cloud Drive and I use it in different machines, some of them older).

Nevertheless I did install the latest Beta you released after my enquiry, and I can confirm that the links are working as intended in 0.96beta4, I tried succesfully with:

  • a pdf manual,
  • a jpg picture and
  • a website.

Media (cover art, screenshots, etc.) are also downloaded as jpg as intended, resulting in a much appreciated room-saving of cloud storage.

Wouldn't want to ask for too much but... would you be able to generate a scaled-down runtime environment with the java modules required for DBGL using jlink? Maybe as an extra download on DBGL website.

Reply 1783 of 2099, by Neville

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Rank Oldbie

I forgot to mention another issue I've been experiencing with DBGL. I may have mentioned before that I have several DBGL installations on my PC. One for playing, and another to test new games / apps I come across. This later install is the only one where I use DBGL betas.

But I've also got another installation of DBGL, this one in my D: drive. Here I keep each and every single one of the DOS games / apps I've ever seen. Some of them require DOSBox-X, which works fine on my other installs. But here for some reason I can't run it. It keeps showing this error message:


Is this a bug or I forgot to do something to get DOSBox-X working?

Reply 1784 of 2099, by _Rob

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Rank Member

Don't know why your getting that windib error, but that seems to be an sdl videodriver. From what I found, is that for an SDL1 program directx is the default SDL_VIDEODRIVER, while for an SDL2 version the only option appears to be SDL_VIDEODRIVER=windows

Since this seems to be exclusive to SDL1, apparently your using the SDL1 version of DOSBox-X. Does the SDL2 version work?

Reply 1785 of 2099, by Neville

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Rank Oldbie

Actually, I'm using the x64 SDL2 build. And it works from D: outside of DBGL.

Between this and the links issue, I'm starting to think my system is cursed xD

Reply 1786 of 2099, by _Rob

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Rank Member

Is it possible that DBGL is setting the SDL_VIDEODRIVER= environment setting on windows that is causing problems, as SDL_VIDEODRIVER=windib does not appear to be valid for SDL2?

Reply 1787 of 2099, by rcblanke

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Rank Oldbie
Neville wrote on 2022-05-01, 20:14:
I forgot to mention another issue I've been experiencing with DBGL. I may have mentioned before that I have several DBGL install […]
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I forgot to mention another issue I've been experiencing with DBGL. I may have mentioned before that I have several DBGL installations on my PC. One for playing, and another to test new games / apps I come across. This later install is the only one where I use DBGL betas.

But I've also got another installation of DBGL, this one in my D: drive. Here I keep each and every single one of the DOS games / apps I've ever seen. Some of them require DOSBox-X, which works fine on my other installs. But here for some reason I can't run it. It keeps showing this error message:


Is this a bug or I forgot to do something to get DOSBox-X working?

You might have customized your dosbox environment like this:

The attachment env.png is no longer available

If so, disable the customization (un-tick) and try again!

Reply 1788 of 2099, by Neville

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Rank Oldbie

That was it! I remember adding that modification years ago, but I can't remember why.

Problem solved, then.

Reply 1789 of 2099, by Sohl

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Rank Newbie

Both dgbl 095 and 096beta5 can't seem to find my installation of temurin jre 11 (x64). I'm on windows and used chocolatey to install jre 11.

Edit: My bad, I didn't realize I had to start dbgl via dbgl.cmd and not launch.exe

Reply 1790 of 2099, by Neville

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Rank Oldbie

The new Links option has made me realise there a few settings / messages that still don't have a Spanish translation. rcblanke, could you PM just the untranslated stuff so I can update the translation? Thank you.

Reply 1791 of 2099, by rcblanke

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Rank Oldbie

It's just lines 844 to 847, Neville.

RedTony wrote on 2022-04-30, 07:19:

Would you be able to generate a scaled-down runtime environment with the java modules required for DBGL using jlink? Maybe as an extra download on DBGL website.

Yep, coming soon.

Reply 1792 of 2099, by RedTony

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Rank Newbie
rcblanke wrote on 2022-05-18, 09:58:

It's just lines 844 to 847, Neville.

RedTony wrote on 2022-04-30, 07:19:

Would you be able to generate a scaled-down runtime environment with the java modules required for DBGL using jlink? Maybe as an extra download on DBGL website.

Yep, coming soon.

You're the best 😀
Thank you so much.

Reply 1793 of 2099, by rcblanke

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Rank Oldbie

I've just uploaded beta6 with:

  • Allow for a portable, minimal Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installation in the jre/ folder. Windows only. (RedTony);
  • DOSBoxVersion custom dynamic options checkbox could be checked falsely, fixed;
  • Switching the interface's language does not refresh all labels, fixed (Neville);
  • Spanish language update from Neville;

If you want to use the minimal JRE on a Windows system, just download this 21MB zip and extract it into the DBGL folder. You should then be able to use DBGL without the need to install a complete Java SDK (or JRE).

All the latest files. There have been updates to multiple files, so it's probably best to overwrite them all. Also, make sure to remove the old lib/hsqldb-2.6.1-jdk8.jar file, as it has been replaced by lib/hsqldb-2.6.1.jar (which uses Java 11)


Last edited by rcblanke on 2022-06-09, 09:58. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 1794 of 2099, by Neville

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Rank Oldbie

Confirmed, the issues I reported (by PM) seem now solved. Keep up the good work!

Reply 1795 of 2099, by RedTony

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Rank Newbie

Hi, after one day testing I can notice a huge improvement in the speed, even with a big amount of games / covers (780 to be more precise).
The minimal jre works thus very well, I have installed it alongside DBGL in the cloud drive (pCloud free storage).
No issues so far with opening links to different file types, webs or folders. Covers are downloaded in .jpeg format occupying a reasonable space.

Hats off Ronald, thank you for sharing this excellent work with us.

P.S: Incidentally I happen to be mother tongue Spanish, so I tried the fresh localization from Neville and it looks so far so good, easy to read and no ortography/grammar mistakes. Thanks Neville 😉

Reply 1796 of 2099, by PerryRhodan

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Rank Newbie

I don't mean to sound greedy 😀 as you've already done so much to create the best DOSBOX frontend. Would it be possible to add a zoom function (button) at the bottom of the image viewer so that you can zoom in on some of the covers to make it easier to read the text?

Thanks rcblanke for the latest version. Keep up the great work. Much appreciated! 😀

Reply 1797 of 2099, by Neville

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Rank Oldbie

Not a bug but something I noticed recently. When you export a game, DBGL aptly applies to the resulting file the extension .DBGL.ZIP. However, if you change the target folder / unit it no longer remembers to add the file extension. This renders the exported file impossible to import until you add the file extension yourself later.

Reply 1798 of 2099, by Neville

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Rank Oldbie

For some reason, I'm always the last person to notice these things... I don't think DBGL is handling pathnames with some Spanish characters (such as accents) correctly.

This is one of the problematic profiles:


In some cases, the game works just the same. In others, the folder is not mounted and the game won't run unless I rename the folder without strange characters.

Reply 1799 of 2099, by rcblanke

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Rank Oldbie

Strange, I cannot reproduce this problem:

The attachment pajaros.png is no longer available

The dosbox profiles are stored using UTF-8 encoding, so that should be safe. I do happen to know that DOSBox rejects some characters as they are apparently invalid for DOS.

Can you please reply with the copy-pasted name of this folder so I can check the exact character code for your [ á ] ?! And maybe attach the DBGL profiles/pajaros.conf .