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Re: Backing up a laptop without USB or Ethernet - Any cheaper options than pcmcia card?

Get one of these: https://www.ebay.com/itm/ORiNOCO-GOLD-PC-Card-Wireless-LAN-T2-Extended-Proxim-World-128RC4-Laptop-PCMCIA-/115517825773?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0 Free shipping to the states, hopefully to Canada also. Unfortunately, it's $20 to ship …

Re: Backing up a laptop without USB or Ethernet - Any cheaper options than pcmcia card?

Hi. I may have jumped the gun a bit by assuming that an IDE adapter in a modern computer wouldn't work. I got that impression after reading posts like this one: https://www.vogons.org/viewtopic.php?t=74345 One person mentioned having problems using these adapters with older drives: IDE USB bridges/ …

Backing up a laptop without USB or Ethernet - Any cheaper options than pcmcia card?

Hi everyone, I recently picked up an old Windows 95 laptop (Hitachi M120D) that doesn't have USB or ethernet. I would appreciate some feedback on my options for backing up this machine and transferring files. It has a floppy drive, pcmcia, serial, and parallel ports. My first priority is getting the …

Re: Xcom (for DOS)

This looks ace, but I think you'd have greater success in reaching audiences under a different name. X-Com is one of the most highly acclaimed DOS games to ever release! Also, XCOM without the hyphen is the more modern series based on the original games. The author of this software is going to have …

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