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Re: Do you keep a tech-journal?

in Milliways
It's also good to photograph parts before you put them in machines or in storage. This way you can retrieve things like serial numbers or part numbers without having to pull things apart.

Re: Okay but did you ever PURCHASE WinRAR?

in Milliways
How do you unregister it before reinstalling it, or changing the computer, or if the OS gets damagaed somehow and you reinstallation? haha, this is a concern whenever I sell or give away a computer. I don't want to become the Peter Quistgard of file compression. You must delete and secure erase the …

Re: Why The Internet Archive Is In Danger Right Now...

in Milliways
Is it just me or is the Wayback Machine less useful than it used to be? Old webpages are often not available. Often it just gives you an unhelpful link to the current online page. You also have the disappearance of Google cacheing. It's becoming harder than ever to research old topics that require …

Re: Pentium PRO?

Right, that figures. I need to get 100 mbps cards to stress the bus. I'm still going to install the EISA card because this is the only machine I have with that bus and I'm curious to learn how it works. 1GBS Ethernet still is within PCI specs Apparently VLB could run as fast as 1.7 Gbps. (200 MiB …

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