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Re: DOSBox Feature Request Thread

Don't they have an ini file or so you can edit? Might be important to know if they even work with a custom port. Adding something like this would be fruitless otherwise Quake doesn't have a phonebook. The Need for Speed: SE does but it's stored in binary so it's not easily editable. Might be …

Re: DOSBox Feature Request Thread

What game needs this? Doom setup program only allows 11 characters which is not enough for IP. Granted, you can bypass this by running SERSETUP directly but it's still somewhat annoying. Quake, The Need for Speed: SE and a bunch of other games have an input field that is too short to enter IP with …

Re: Where can we get patches anymore?

in Windows
collector wrote: I would be reluctant to download binaries from a Russian site. No, Ru-Net is not full of malware, who told you that? This is a really old website about video games, it was created back in the 90's. I've been using it for years, it's safe.

Re: Where can we get patches anymore?

in Windows
There's a Russian website that is a pretty reliable source of patches for everything up until 2012: https://ag.ru/. Search for the game you need using the bar at the top then select "патчи" and it should be obvious from there.

Re: Need for Speed 2 SE Multiplayer

in Windows
Writing it down here in case somone's searching because there are only 2 results in Google about this message. Original NFS2 only supports IPX protocol (which is bizarre because NFS1SE does support TCP). NFS2SE doesn't have TCP support out of the box either but it got an official patch that adds it: …

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