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Re: Someone got xp sp3 running on a 486

I just gave this a shot. I had some initial issues with services.exe causing high CPU usage spikes, but they have gone away for the most part. This patch lets Opera 12.18 run on a 486. Crazy to think that Opera supported these CPUs for 27 years ! they don't make use of newer instructions to make it …

Re: Windows XP on 486

[...] If you have a 486 computer and a Pentium Overdrive CPU for it, you're welcome to try to install Windows XP with the Pentium Overdrive CPU installed then replace it with a 486 afterwards to see if it would still boot. I did that in the early 00's. Installed WinXP on a late PCI-based 486 board …

Re: Internet Explorer 5 + Windows 3.11 + 386

s. After setting up QEMM, which was rather confusing, I did not experience any issue loading IE5, however, I did run into several other issues. For example, at Windows shutdown, I would get Windows Protection Error #0= You may need to restart your computer. C:\> I couldn't run anything at the DOS …

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