Moving on to Halo 4. The graphics got a noticeable improvement, and thankfully, I found no TAA ghosting issues whatsoever. Looks like that problem was unique to Reach. More importantly, there are finally subtitles for in-game speech, and not just during cutscenes. Only took Microsoft six games to get that right. I was also hoping for a separate slider to turn down the music volume, but alas, no such luck. While the soundtrack is great, I don't want it at full blast while trying to determine which direction the enemies are shooting from.
The Master Chief is a lot more talkative this time around, which I kinda like. Ever since Duke3D and the Thief games, I have enjoyed hearing FPS protagonists speak on occasion. Additionally, it looks like Cortana will have a more prominent role now. She also got some, err... asset upgrades.
At the moment, I'm only a few levels in, so I haven't yet encountered the new enemy faction, just loads of Covenant. Though I think I may have caught a glimpse of the newcomers during one of the cutscenes. Should be interesting.