Reply 1680 of 2283, by sharangad
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- Oldbie
checkpoint20 wrote on 2024-05-29, 15:54:Hi sharangad, we were in touch on racesimcentral previously - posting over here to join the conversation. Really amazing progres […]
Hi sharangad, we were in touch on racesimcentral previously - posting over here to join the conversation. Really amazing progress lately and I've also been working to understand, using my Detroit Downtown mod, why the track doesn't load. Suspecting it is the memory limitation we have been talking about, so I hope there is a way to exceed the 4 MB.
You may have already noticed this but some of the modded tracks are not in .dat files due to a limitation in the number of files possible to pack into a dat file. But tracks that use more than approximately 300 files can have their folders unpacked and the game will load whatever is in the folder. However if a .dat file is present, I believe it will prioritize the file from within the .dat file first.
If you want more documentation on file formats, particular the 3DO and MIP file, those are here:
Some gaps in knowledge may also be discussed on the ICR2 forums:
Hi, thanks for the info. Will check it out tomorrow.
I did briefly look at the. Mip format and noticed there was no colour format info there. Is the pixel data always specced as 32 rgba?
Developer of RReady - Rendition Verité Wrapper.