Been crafting a replacement splash screen for my ABIT AB9 Pro, which among other new "upgrades", desires a new BIOS logo.
Post-2005 ABIT really slacked on some of their boards and slapped the most bland splash screen you could be thinking of - the below image is the actual AB9 QuadGT BIOS splash screen, the exact same file used for AB9 Pro as well.
Can't have that, after ABIT going the trouble of changing the whole setup screen to purple! So, here's the new one I came up with.
I indeed took the liberty to reuse ABIT's traditional logo from the 90s, and went to town with GIMP, as well as Irfanview for resizing (the original was 4054 x 3039, zoinks!).
All that's left to do is have Irfanview convert the new PNG into a compatible BMP that can then be inserted into the BIOS file, and off to flash the BIOS I go.
"Enter at your own peril, past the bolted door..."
Main PC: i5 3470, GB B75M-D3H, 16GB RAM, 2x1TB
98SE : P3 650, Soyo SY-6BA+IV, 384MB RAM, 80GB