MIDI Land INC DX-401

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First post, by Stojke

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Does anybody have any info on this MPU-401 clone?

DX-401: http://puu.sh/aqoWv/49478bfb15.jpg

I am guessing it is using that adapter like that Music Quest card, of which this one seems a clone of.

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Reply 1 of 38, by PeterLI

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Interesting. Never heard or seen that one before. It would be interesting to learn whether it is intelligent (Music Quest PC MIDI Card clone) or UART (Steinberg clone). 😀

Reply 2 of 38, by Stojke

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Can you suggest how to perform some testing? I do not have the MIDI IN OUT adapter.

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Reply 4 of 38, by PeterLI

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Silpheed is also highly sensitive. 😊 Make sure the card is configured to IRQ 2/9 and I/O 330. Make sure no other cards conflict with those settings. Good luck! 🤣


Reply 5 of 38, by Stojke

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Cool. I will do that.

As soon as i find out how to connect an MT32 to this card 🤣
As i said i dont have the little adapter. Can anybody help me out with schematics?

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Reply 6 of 38, by PeterLI

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You can already test whether it is intelligent by just launching the games. When they launch with Roland MT-32 configured that means the card is intelligent. When the game freezes it means the card is not intelligent. 😀

Reply 7 of 38, by Stojke

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Ohh i see!
Time to test this mo fucka 😁

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Reply 8 of 38, by PeterLI

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Reply 10 of 38, by Stojke

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Alright, this is what happened:

1. The only cards in the system are Matrox Mystique and DX-401
2. DX-401 is set to IO Address 330H and IRQ 2

Using Microsoft resource tool, MSD, i have read that IRQ2 is redirected to IRQ9, because IRQ2 is reserved for Second 8259A.

When i start Gateway (I have installed the game by selecting MT32 as the Music device) it works with out problem, no freezing and the game accepts commands.


Can you please give me the link Keropi? 😀


I will try to test it with Silpheed now. Should i expect the same thing to happen as with Gateway (Freezing if no Hardware Intelligent)?

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Reply 11 of 38, by keropi

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Great news then! I don't know about Silpheed but Gateway displays an error dialog if it cannot access the mpu.
The link to the thread I mention is here: Music Quest PC MIDI Card MPU IH9MQ9 : info , drivers and tests

🎵 🎧 MK1869, PCMIDI MPU , OrpheusII , Action Rewind , Megacard and 🎶GoldLib soundcard website

Reply 12 of 38, by Stojke

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Silpheed also works 😀

Here is the back side mon: http://puu.sh/aqxyJ/41a5a8e698.jpg

So Gateway will display that when the MPU-401 is absent (broken card) and when an Non Intelligent model is used?

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Reply 13 of 38, by keropi

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yep, Gateway will display an error, you'll immediately know if the mpu works OK or not...
you can also try Wing Commander and see if it works in the intro, there is a chance of crash after the fireworks, look at the MQ thread
looks like the cable from the MQ mpu will work on this one too

🎵 🎧 MK1869, PCMIDI MPU , OrpheusII , Action Rewind , Megacard and 🎶GoldLib soundcard website

Reply 14 of 38, by Stojke

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I see. Awesome 😁
Will try that as well.

I should go to flea market tomorrow again to see if the guy somehow also has a cable 😀
Also, there is a high chance that this clone is from Germany (over 80% of electronics there is).

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Reply 15 of 38, by PeterLI

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US, CA based company: http://start.cortera.com/company/research/k5k … k/midi-land-inc.

http://books.google.com/books?id=aI8JAQAAMAAJ … ved=0CCwQ6AEwBA
http://books.google.com/books?id=6A49AQAAIAAJ … ved=0CDAQ6AEwBQ

The card is mentioned here:
http://books.google.com/books?id=WI4JAQAAMAAJ … ved=0CCcQ6AEwAA

This is from 1991 so this aligns with the other intelligent MPU-401 clones released in the 1989 - 1992 period. 🤣

Some other anecdotal information:
https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/maus. … rte/emNvMz9oA7s

Last edited by PeterLI on 2014-07-25, 17:02. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 16 of 38, by Stojke

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How can i read those?
So there is a high chance that it really is an Intelligent MPU 401? Thats awesome news 😁
I have seen this exact same card last year at the same guy but didnt buy it until now.


Is it possible to extract the ROM file?

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Reply 17 of 38, by PeterLI

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It is. However: it is a clone without box / dongle / manual / disks so retail value is probably around $75 to $100. 😵 Still a very nice find though: especially since it expands the intelligent clone list from 3 to 4 manufacturers.

Reply 18 of 38, by Stojke

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Thats pretty cool. I feel special now 🤣
I will try to find an dongle for it at the same guy tomorrow, but i highly doubt he has one.

As for software, what could it contain? What does Midi Quest software do?

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