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Re: Jurassic Park (Ocean)

Do CD-Audio tracks play on your computers under DOSBox? They do when you imgmount the cue file. For example, this is the line mounting my Warcraft II image (bin/cue): imgmount D "Warcraft II.cue" -t iso -fs iso CD audio works that way.

Re: How important is screen resolution to you?

in Milliways
I remember DVB-T.. I've bought a TV dongle for PC once. Picture quality was horrible, artifacts often were visible. No comparison to DVB-S or DVB-S2. Oh yes, I remember it, too. We had a standalone DVB-T receiver for my mom's TV, which was a 15" CRT. Picture quality was meh at best, though on the …

Re: How important is screen resolution to you?

in Milliways
Hm. There might be bandwidth considerations, too, because of cable and terrestrial broadcast, not sure. For sure it plays a role. For TV content, 1080p needs to be 1080p50, which requires more bandwidth than 720p or 1080i. Plus the majority of DVB receivers might not be compatible with 1080p50. …

Re: Is it possible to copy the Warcraft 2 CD?

in DOS
Do you have more than one optical drive in your PC? The cd path has to be correct in WAR.INI (e.g. "cdpath=d:\"), not sure what the installer writes in there if you have multiple drives (e.g. only the first drive, or the drive that you installed it from). Other than that, maybe you could try …

Re: Is it possible to copy the Warcraft 2 CD?

in DOS
I don't remember having had a problem with Warcraft II, and I'm pretty sure I used ImgBurn (version, if that matters) to create the image. It resulted in bin/cue files which I use for DOSBox. No problem with the CD audio tracks, and the image is recognized by my Warcraft II installation in …

Re: nostalgia midlife crisis

in Milliways
I sometimes wonder if it just natural for is to fill nostalgic about past times...even if we "know" they weren't really that great. That depends on each individual's experience. I feel very nostalgic about the 90s and early to mid 2000s because to me they were simply better times, I had on the …

Re: Playing DVDs in Windows 95

I just tried PowerDVD V4 in Win95B and it plays DVDs okay. On my PC, it doesn't seem to make use of hardware acceleration in Win95, but I think that's a driver issue. Anyway it's not blocky red and blue. Maybe it's a driver issue in your case. Apart from that, if it worked fine in WinME, but you …

Re: DOS 6.2/7.1 multiple configs?

I no longer have DOS 6.2, and DOS 7.1, which ships with Windows 98SE, doesn't have help.com. Actually it does, but it's not copied to hard drive during installation. Look on the CD in \tools\oldmsdos and you will find help.com (among others). Also the MS-DOS manual explains it well. You can find a …

Re: Dune II - extended memory is not available

I have the CD version of Dune II and there is no german speech in the intro. Maybe you're mixing it up with Dune 2000, which was localized to German entirely? Though Dune 2K had a female narrator (except for the emperor's lines). Or indeed a fanmade version, though in the 90s they would have been …

Re: Screen tearing issue

Is there really a dosgame that scrolls like butter in dosbox like it is on the real machine? The 60/70Hz issue applies to a real machine as well. Sure, there were no issues with CRTs, also my old LCD monitor Philips Brilliance 150P supports 70Hz and scrolls smoothly in DOS. But both my 20" LCD …

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