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Re: Laptop for XP Gaming

Period correct laptop for XP will be underpowered becasue its a laptop after all. Id go with later hardware, make sure you can find drivers for XP first. If you can find one that still has a cardbus slot I would use a audidgy zs notebook card in it.

Re: Want to upload DOS program!

So once I've added a bunch of templates to my database, then what happens? I can create a file? If theres another program or feature of an OSprogram that does somthing similar, that might help me to figure out what exactly this is supposed to do.

Re: Cleaning CDs

But isn't this "Jet Dry" some kind of dish washing liquid/soap? no its a drying agent. Do you know what's the equivalent of this "Simple Green" cleaner in Europe or what's the approximate chemical composition? It's distributed in UK and northern Ireland it seems. Maybe you can order it from a …

Re: Cleaning CDs

Don't use toothpaste its abrasive and will ruin your CDs. The over the counter ISO alcohol leaves behind a residue and Most dish soaps leave behind a residue. However you can just mix some distilled water and over the counter ISO alcohol and add a couple squirts of jet dry to a spray bottle and this …

Re: Norton Commander 5.5 vs 5.51

afaik LFNs are only visible under windows since its uses windows API. 5.5.1 adds a TSR to preserve LFNs while under real mode but it doesn't display them. If you want to display LFNs under Real Mode in a norton style commander. I reccomend Vokov commander 4.99.08 with one of the DOSLFN TSRs. …

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