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Re: Defender Of The Crown error message

Well I'm glad you could get it to work. 593k of free conventional memory is a lot. I think the biggest amount of free convontional memory I've seen on actual hardware was around 602k, but 593k should be enough for most DOS games. I think you could still free up some more memory by running "memmaker …

Re: Defender Of The Crown error message

I tried on my 386 and 486 machine, the result is the same on both. Both have a freshly installed MS-DOS 6.22 on it. Funny things are: 1. Earlier the was no error message, I was able to launch the game on both machines So the error message appeared after re-installing DOS? I'm not familiar with the …

Re: Jill of the Jungle Sound Effects

in DOS
The issue is caused by calling the setboard() function without the "| mod_screen" part But how could that part have disappeared when recompiling the game? In the Xargon source code, there is a macro definition for setboard(): #define setboard(x,y,n) bd[x][y]=n|mod_screen; My guess is they replaced …

Re: Jill of the Jungle Sound Effects

in DOS
No, I did not manage to get IDA itself to use the debugging information. I have written a tool that extracts C-style strings from binary files (basically just replacing any 0 bytes with line breaks) and used the resulting text file and the Xargon source code to assign the names of functions and …

Re: Jill of the Jungle Sound Effects

in DOS
I'll save you some time and tell you what caused the issue: For some odd reason, the compiler that was used to build version 1.2d did something wierd. Basically, the original code used to be setboard(x, y, bd[x][y] | ((msg_block(x, y, msg_update)!=0)*mod_screen)) and the compiler decided it was a …

Re: Questions about Turbo C and far pointers

in Milliways
pointer++ does not behave the same as pointer=pointer+1. Ponter++ does not produce any warnings and when the compiled program is run it works, while pointer=pointer+1 triggers a warning when compiling about it being "non portable" code and even worse it locks up the compiled program when it's …

Re: Questions about Turbo C and far pointers

in Milliways
I thought I could do this: unsigned char far *FarPointerToByte = MK_FP(segment,offset); FarPointerToByte=FarPointerToByte+1; But doing this gives me a "Non-portable pointer assignment" warning. It doesn't rise to the level of an error, so compiling completes, but when I run the compiled EXE file, I …

Re: I've an idea: Let's get some game development going

in Milliways
Actually, I had this as well. I was so eager to start writing something I did not think first. I picked the tools that are simply not pleasant to work with. I used Turbo C (the freely downloadable version from Borland Museum), and I just began the coding, running the Turbo C in DosBox. But I did …

Re: I've an idea: Let's get some game development going

in Milliways
I do notice the Mode X code uses more math, though; could that affect the speed in a significant way? That depends. I chose the most straightforward way to do things here. You could use a lookup table for the plane mask and you can also split the outpw into two outp commands so you don't have to …

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